Cytool for Linux - Administrator Guide - 8.5 - Cortex XDR Agent - Cortex XDR - Advanced Endpoint Protection - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Agent Administrator Guide

Cortex XDR Agent
Cortex XDR
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide

Cytool is a command-line tool integrated into the Cortex XDR agent that enables you to query and manage both basic and advanced functions of the agent.

Cytool is a command-line tool that is integrated into the Cortex XDR agent that enables you to query and manage both basic and advanced functions of the agent. For most commands, unless stated otherwise, changes that you make using Cytool are active until the agent receives the next heartbeat communication from Cortex XDR.

The following table displays the Cytool options available on Linux endpoints. Where there is a password required for admin commands, this is the same password as was defined as the Uninstall Password.


Since Cortex XDR agent 7.6, the pmd process includes and replaces the trapsd process.

Command Option



Adaptive policy agent commands.

Usage: cytool adaptive_policy [<interval> <collect_stats> <recalc> <query>]


  • interval —Sets a recalculation interval override (in seconds), or reset an override. Options are: seconds, policy

  • collect_stats —Initiates a collection of internal statistics.

  • recalc —Triggers a recalculation of the adaptive policy.

  • query —Query the current interval and APEX.


Perform Anti Malware related operations.

[version <query> | cache <print, status>]

Usage: cytool anti_malware <version> <cache>


  • version — Input: query

  • cache — Input: print status

  • la, wf, and ltee are for internal use.


Perform Certificate enforcement related operations.

Usage: cytool cert_enforcement <operation>

Where <operation> is one of the following:                                

  • query                       Display current enforcement status

  • disable                     Forcibly disable enforcement

  • policy                      Set enforcement by policy

  • import <certificate file path>     Import a proprietary certificate in PEM format as root CA

  • import clear                       Clear all custom root CA certificates.


Initiate check-in to the server.

Usage: cytool checkin

To verify the check in, view the check-in time on the Cortex XDR agent console.


Perform a connectivity test to Cortex XDR servers.

Usage: cytool connectivity_test [request_count]


Enable/disable dump generation or restore policy settings.


  • cytool dump enable

  • cytool dump disable

  • cytool dump restore


Usage: cytool endpoint_tags <action>

where <action> can be:

  • add—To add tags to the endpoint tags.

  • remove—Remove the given tags from the list of endpoint tags.

  • list—Displays the available endpoint tags.


Tags should be passed as one string separated by comas.

Linux does not support tag names with spaces as command line arguments to the shell installer.

Instead, tags can be set in the /etc/panw/cortex.conf configuration file, that supports all Linux installers.

For example:

  • cytool endpoint_tags add "tag1[,tag2,...,tagN]"

  • cytool endpoint_tags remove "tag1[,tag2,...,tagN]"

  • cytool endpoint_tags list


Enumerate protected processes.

Usage: cytool enum

For example:

root@ubuntu: cytool enum
Cortex XDR list of protected processes:
  PID CMD                           UID
 1098 /usr/sbin/cron -f               0
 1131 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n         104

To view processes for all users including those initiated by the operating system, specify the /a option.


If you change the action mode for protected processes in the Exploit Security Profile in Cortex XDR, you must restart the protected processes for the security policy to be enforced on the processes and its forked processes; only then you will see them on this list.


Stop or start event collection status (EDR/DSE).

<query, enable, disable, logstat>

-h --help

Displays the available help information

import suex

Import pre-downloaded content or local support exceptions. Used for solving specific problems with a support representative.

isolate stop

Release machine from network isolation.


Display last successful check-in time.


Set the log level for the desired process.

Usage: cytool log <log_level> <components>


  • <log_level> is an integer value corresponding to the log level:

    • 0—Disable logging

    • 1—Fatal

    • 2—Critical

    • 3—Error

    • 4—Warning

    • 5—Notice

    • 6—Information

    • 7—Debug

    • 8—Trace

  • <components> is all or one or more of the following agent components: authorized, pmd, cortex xdr, kproc-ctrl.

For example:

cytool log 2 all

Then use the cytool log collect command to generate a support file archive of all logs in a TGZ file.

log collect

Generate support file archive.


The Cortex XDR agent stores policy and security event information such as the list of trusted signers, local verdicts, and one-time actions in local databases on the endpoint. To troubleshoot policy issues and security events. Use cytool persist operations to import, export, and view information stored in the local database.

Usage: cytool persist <action>

where <action>:

  • list—List the local databases on the endpoint.

  • export [<database name> | <databasepath>]—Export database table to a file in the /Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/bin/ directory.

  • import [<database name> | <databasepath>] <file name>—Add records in a JSON file to the database.

  • print <database name> | <databasepath>—Print the database, in comma-separated values (CSV) format, to the command prompt.

To view a list of all local databases, use the cytool persist list command.


The cytool queryall command displays a list of imported certificates, for troubleshooting purposes.


Try reconnecting if communication with server has been disabled, or force registration with a new Distribution ID.


cytool reconnect—Reconnects the Cortex XDR agent to the management application on the server.

cytool reconnect [force <distribution_id]>


Stop or start product components.

Usage: cytool runtime <action> <component>


  • <action>—Change startup runtime action for an agent component.

    Options are: start, stop, query. The query option displays the startup status for each component.

  • <component>—Target components for which to set the runtime action, or all components.

    To change the runtime action for multiple components, list them with spaces separating each component.

    Options: cortex xdr, authorized, pmd, kproc-ctrl

For example:

cytool runtime query
         Name    PID         User              Status		Command
   cortex xdr   1055        User1             Running		/Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/bin/cortex xdr
   authorized    927  _traps_panw             Running		/Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/bin/authorized
          pmd    909         root             Running		/Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/bin/pmd
   kproc-ctrl    159         root              Loaded		com.paloaltonetworks.driver.kproc-ctrl

cytool runtime stop all
         Name    PID         User              Status		Command
   authorized    N/A          N/A             STOPPED		N/A
          pmd    N/A          N/A             STOPPED		N/A
   cortex xdr    N/A          N/A             STOPPED		N/A
   kproc-ctrl    N/A          N/A            Unloaded		N/A

cytool runtime start all
         Name    PID         User              Status		Command
system call failed for command='/usr/bin/su -l Traps -c "/bin/launchctl start cortex xdr.plist"', returned status code=768
   authorized   1883  _traps_panw             Running		/Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/bin/authorized
          pmd   1889         root             Running		/Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/bin/pmd
   cortex xdr    N/A          N/A     FAILED TO START		N/A
   kproc-ctrl    160         root              Loaded		com.paloaltonetworks.driver.kproc-ctrl


Perform Scan operations on the endpoint.

Options: start, stop, query


Enable, disable, or query the startup state of Cortex XDR agent components.

Usage: cytool startup <action> <component>


  • <action>—Change startup action for an agent component.

    Options are: enable, disable, query.

    The query option displays the startup status for each component.

  • <component>—Target component for which to set the startup action. To change the startup action for multiple components, list them with spaces separating each component. Options are: cortex xdr, authorized, pmd, kproc-ctrl

For example:

root@ubuntu: sudo ./cytool startup disable cortex xdr pmd
                  Process name                Startup status
                    cortex xdr                      Disabled
                    authorized                      Enabled
                           pmd                      Disabled
                    kproc-ctrl                      Loaded
root@ubuntu: sudo ./cytool startup enable all
                  Process name                Startup status
                    cortex xdr                      Enabled
                    authorized                      Enabled
                           pmd                      Enabled
                    kproc-ctrl                      Loaded