Possible DLL Hijack into a Microsoft process

Cortex XDR Analytics Alert Reference by Alert name

Cortex XDR
Last date published
Analytics Alert Reference
Index by
Alert name


Activation Period

14 Days

Training Period

30 Days

Test Period

N/A (single event)

Deduplication Period

1 Day

Required Data

  • Requires:
    • XDR Agent

Detection Modules

Detector Tags

DLL Hijacking Analytics

ATT&CK Tactic

ATT&CK Technique

Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Search Order Hijacking (T1574.001)




An unsigned DLL was loaded into a Microsoft signed process.
This DLL name is usually signed by Microsoft, which might indicate an attacker performing DLL Hijacking.

Attacker's Goals

An attacker is attempting to load an untrusted module into a trusted context to avoid detection, gain persistence or to perform privilege escalation.

Investigative actions

  • Investigate the loaded module to verify if it is malicious.
  • Investigate if the loading process and the loaded module reside in legitimate locations.


Possible DLL Hijack of a low entropy DLL into a Microsoft process


ATT&CK Tactic

ATT&CK Technique




An unsigned DLL was loaded into a Microsoft signed process.
This DLL name is usually signed by Microsoft, which might indicate an attacker performing DLL Hijacking.

Attacker's Goals

An attacker is attempting to load an untrusted module into a trusted context to avoid detection, gain persistence or to perform privilege escalation.

Investigative actions

  • Investigate the loaded module to verify if it is malicious.
  • Investigate if the loading process and the loaded module reside in legitimate locations.

Possible DLL Side-Loading into a Microsoft process from a suspicious folder


ATT&CK Tactic

ATT&CK Technique




An unsigned DLL was loaded into a Microsoft signed process.
This DLL name is usually signed by Microsoft, which might indicate an attacker performing DLL Hijacking.

Attacker's Goals

An attacker is attempting to load an untrusted module into a trusted context to avoid detection, gain persistence or to perform privilege escalation.

Investigative actions

  • Investigate the loaded module to verify if it is malicious.
  • Investigate if the loading process and the loaded module reside in legitimate locations.

DLL Hijack into a Microsoft process


ATT&CK Tactic

ATT&CK Technique

Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Search Order Hijacking (T1574.001)




An unsigned DLL was loaded into a Microsoft signed process.
This DLL name is usually signed by Microsoft, which might indicate an attacker performing DLL Hijacking.

Attacker's Goals

An attacker is attempting to load an untrusted module into a trusted context to avoid detection, gain persistence or to perform privilege escalation.

Investigative actions

  • Investigate the loaded module to verify if it is malicious.
  • Investigate if the loading process and the loaded module reside in legitimate locations.

Possible DLL Hijack into a Microsoft development or framework related process


ATT&CK Tactic

ATT&CK Technique

Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Search Order Hijacking (T1574.001)




An unsigned DLL was loaded into a Microsoft signed process.
This DLL name is usually signed by Microsoft, which might indicate an attacker performing DLL Hijacking.

Attacker's Goals

An attacker is attempting to load an untrusted module into a trusted context to avoid detection, gain persistence or to perform privilege escalation.

Investigative actions

  • Investigate the loaded module to verify if it is malicious.
  • Investigate if the loading process and the loaded module reside in legitimate locations.