Rare service DLL was added to the registry

Cortex XDR Analytics Alert Reference by Alert name

Cortex XDR
Last date published
Analytics Alert Reference
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Alert name


Activation Period

14 Days

Training Period

30 Days

Test Period

N/A (single event)

Deduplication Period

1 Day

Required Data

  • Requires:
    • XDR Agent with eXtended Threat Hunting (XTH)

Detection Modules

Detector Tags

Malicious Service Analytics

ATT&CK Tactic

ATT&CK Technique




A service was added as a dll, which will be executed by svchost.exe. This is a stealthy technique attackers use to persist their malware.

Attacker's Goals

Masquerade execution on the host using a benign Windows process and achieve persistence.

Investigative actions

  • Investigate the suspicious DLL and check for malicious content.
  • Go to the service registry key and investigate it to find the associated executable that runs the service.
  • Check whether the executing process is benign, and if this was a desired behavior as part of its normal execution flow.


Rare service DLL was added to the registry from an injected thread


ATT&CK Tactic

ATT&CK Technique




A service was added as a dll, which will be executed by svchost.exe. This is a stealthy technique attackers use to persist their malware.

Attacker's Goals

Masquerade execution on the host using a benign Windows process and achieve persistence.

Investigative actions

  • Investigate the suspicious DLL and check for malicious content.
  • Go to the service registry key and investigate it to find the associated executable that runs the service.
  • Check whether the executing process is benign, and if this was a desired behavior as part of its normal execution flow.

Rare service DLL was added to the registry from a rare unsigned actor process


ATT&CK Tactic

ATT&CK Technique




A service was added as a dll, which will be executed by svchost.exe. This is a stealthy technique attackers use to persist their malware.

Attacker's Goals

Masquerade execution on the host using a benign Windows process and achieve persistence.

Investigative actions

  • Investigate the suspicious DLL and check for malicious content.
  • Go to the service registry key and investigate it to find the associated executable that runs the service.
  • Check whether the executing process is benign, and if this was a desired behavior as part of its normal execution flow.