Uncommon GetClipboardData API function invocation of a possible information stealer

Cortex XDR Analytics Alert Reference by Alert name

Cortex XDR
Last date published
Analytics Alert Reference
Index by
Alert name


Activation Period

14 Days

Training Period

30 Days

Test Period

N/A (single event)

Deduplication Period

1 Day

Required Data

  • Requires:
    • XDR Agent with eXtended Threat Hunting (XTH)

Detection Modules

Detector Tags

ATT&CK Tactic

Collection (TA0009)

ATT&CK Technique

Clipboard Data (T1115)




An unpopular process accessed clipboard content by calling the GetClipboardData API function. This behavior may indicate potential threats such as a keylogger or a RAT.

Attacker's Goals

Attackers can monitor the clipboard as another way for credential gathering or to collect more user data over time for espionage purposes.

Investigative actions

  • Check if the process has a user interface (a visible window).
  • Check if the process is a known user application that was updated recently.