Activate Windows Event Collector - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Documentation

Cortex XDR
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Administrator Guide

Set up your Windows Event Collector to connect with the Cortex XDR Broker VM and collect events.


Ingesting logs and data from external sources requires a Cortex XDR Pro per GB license.

After you have configured and registered your Broker VM, activate your Windows Event Collector application.

The Windows Event Collector (WEC) runs on the Broker VM collecting event logs from Windows Servers, including Domain Controllers (DCs). The Windows Event Collector can be deployed in multiple setups, and can be connected directly to multiple event generators (DCs or Windows Servers) or routed using one or more Windows Event Collectors. Behind each Windows event collector there may be multiple generating sources.

To enable the collection of the event logs, you need to configure and establish trust between the Windows Event Forwarding (WEF) collectors and the WEC. Establishing trust between the WEFs and the WEC is achieved by mutual authentication over TLS using server and client certificates. The WEF, a WinRM plugin, runs under the Network Service account. Therefore, you need to provide the WEFs with the relevant certificates and grant the account access permissions to the private key used for client authentication, for example, authenticate with WEC.


You can also activate the Windows Event Collector on Windows Core. For more information, see Activate Windows Event Collector on Windows Core.


Ensure you meet the following prerequisites before activating the Windows Event Collector applet:

  • Set up and configure Broker VM

  • Broker VM version 8.0 and later

  • You have knowledge of Windows Active Directory and Domain Controllers.

  • You must configure different settings related to the FQDN where the instructions differ depending on whether you are configuring a standalone Broker VM or High Availability (HA) cluster.

  • Windows Server 2012 r2 or later.

After ingestion, Cortex XDR normalizes and saves the Windows event logs in the dataset xdr_data. The normalized logs are also saved in a unified format in microsoft_windows_raw. This enables you to search the data using Cortex Query Language (XQL) queries, build correlation rules, and generate dashboards based on the data.

Perform the following procedures in the order listed below.

  1. Select SettingsConfigurationsData BrokerBroker VMs.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • On the Brokers tab, find the Broker VM, and in the APPS column, left-click AddWindows Event Collector.

    • On the Clusters tab, find the Broker VM, and in the APPS column, left-click AddWindows Event Collector.

  3. In the Activate Windows Event Collector window, define the Collected Events to configure the events collected by the applet. This lists event sources from which you want to collect events.




    Select from the pre-populated list with the most common event sources on Windows Servers. The event source is the name of the software that logs the events.

    A source provider can only appear once in your list. When selecting event sources, depending on the type event you want to forward, ensure the event source is enabled, for example auditing security events. If the source is not enabled, the source configuration in the given row will fail.

    Min. Event Level

    Minimum severity level of events that are collected.

    Event IDs Group

    Whether to Include, Exclude, or collect All event ID groups.

    Minimal TLS Version

    Select either 1.0 or 1.2 (default) as the minimum TLS version allowed. Ensure that you verify that all Windows event forwarders are supporting the minimal defined TLS version.

    Example 38. 

    To forward all the Windows Event Collector events to the Broker VM, define as follows:

    • Source: ForwardedEvents

    • Min. Event Level: Verbose

    • Event IDs Group: All


    By default, Cortex XDR collects Palo Alto Networks predefined Security events that are used by the Cortex XDR detectors. Removing the Security collector interferes with the Cortex XDR detection functionality. Restore to Default to reinstate the Security event collection.

  4. Click Activate. After a successful activation, the APPS field displays WEC with a green dot indicating a successful connection.

  1. In the APPS column, left-click the WEC connection to display the Windows Event Collector settings, and select Configure.

  2. In the Windows Event Forwarder Configuration window, perform the following tasks:

    1. In the Subscription Manager URL field, click copy-icon.png (copy) . This will be used when you configure the subscription manager in the GPO (Global Policy Object) on your domain controller.

    2. Enter a password in the Define Client Certificate Export Password field to be used to secure the downloaded WEF certificate that establishes the connection between your DC/WEF and the WEC. You will need this password when the certificate is imported to the events forwarder.

    3. Download the WEF certificate in a PFX format to your local machine.

      To view your Windows Event Forwarding configuration details at any time, select your Broker VM, right-click and navigate to Windows Event CollectorConfigure.

    Cortex XDR monitors the certificate and triggers a Certificate Expiration notification 30 days prior to the expiration date. The notification is sent daily specifying the number of days left on the certificate, or if the certificate has already expired.


You must install the WEF certificate on every Windows Server, whether DC or not, for the WEFs that are supposed to forward logs to the Windows Event Collector applet on the Broker VM.

  1. Locate the PFX file you downloaded from the Cortex XDR console and double-click to open the Certificate Import Wizard.

  2. In the Certificate Import Wizard:

    1. Select Local Machine, and then click Next.

    2. Verify the File name field displays the PFX certificate file you downloaded and click Next.

    3. In the Passwords field, specify the Client Certificate Export Password you defined in the Cortex XDR console followed by Next.

    4. Select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate, and then click Next and Finish.

  3. From a command prompt, run certlm.msc.

  4. In the file explorer, navigate to Certificates and verify the following for each of the folders:

    • In the PersonalCertificates folder, ensure the certificate is displayed.

    • In the Trusted Root Certification AuthoritiesCertificates folder, ensure the CA is displayed.

  5. Navigate to Certificates Personal Certificates.

  6. Right-click the certificate and navigate to All tasksManage Private Keys.

  7. In the Permissions window, select Add and in the Enter the object name section, enter NETWORK SERVICE, and then click Check Names to verify the object name. The object name is displayed with an underline when valid. and then click OK.

  8. Click OK, verify the Group or user names that are displayed, and then click Apply Permissions for private keys.



You must install the WEF certificate on every Windows Server, whether DC or not, for the WEFs that are supposed to forward logs to the Windows Event Collector applet on the Broker VM.

  1. To enable events forwarders to forward events, the Network Service account must be a member of the Active Directory Event Log Readers group. In PowerShell, execute the following command on the domain controller that is acting as the event forwarder:

    PS C:\> net localgroup "Event Log Readers" "NT Authority\Network Service" /add

    Make sure you see The command completed successfully message.

  2. Grant access to view the security event logs.

    1. Run wevtutil gl security and take note of your channelAccess value.

      Example 39. 
      `PS C:\Users\Administrator> wevtutil gl security
      name: security
      enabled: true
      type: Admin
      isolation: Custom
      channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0005;;;SY)(A;;0x5;;;BA)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-32-573)
        logFileName: %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\security.evtx
        retention: false
        autoBackup: false
        maxSize: 134217728
        fileMax: 1

      Take note of value: channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0005;;;SY)(A;;0x5;;;BA)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-32-573)

    2. Run wevtutil sl security "/ca:<channelAccess value>(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-20)"

      Example 40. 
      PS C:\Users\Administrator> wevtutil sl security "/ca:O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0005;;;SY)(A;;0x5;;;BA)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-32-573)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-20)"

    Make sure you grant access on each of your domain controller hosts.

  1. In a command prompt, open gpmc.msc.

  2. In the Group Policy Management window, navigate to Domainsyour domain nameGroup Policy Object, right-click and select New.

  3. In the New GPO window, enter your group policy Name: as Windows Event Forwarding, and click OK.

  4. Navigate to Domainsyour domain nameGroup Policy ObjectsWindows Event Forwarding, right-click and select Edit.

  5. In the Group Policy Management Editor:

    • Set the Windows Remote Management Service for automatic startup.

      1. Select Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsSystem Services, and in the view panel locate and double-click Windows Remote Management (WS-Management).

      2. Mark the Define this policy setting checkbox, select Automatic, and then click Apply and OK.

    • At a minimum for your WEC configuration, you must enable logging of the same events that you have configured to be collected in your WEC configuration on your domain controller. Otherwise, you will not be able to view these events as the WEC only controls querying not logging. For example, if you have configured authentication events to be collected by your WEC using an authentication protocol, such as Kerberos, you should ensure all relevant audit events for authentication are configured on your domain controller. In addition, you should ensure that all relevant audit events that you want collected, such as the success and failure of account logins for Windows Event ID 4625, are properly configured, particularly for those that you want Cortex XDR to apply grouping and analytics inspection.


      This step overrides any local policy settings.

      Example 41. 

      Here is an example of how to configure the WEC to collect authentication events using Kerberos as the authentication protocol to enable the collection of Broker VM supported Kerberos events, Kerberos pre-authentication, authentication, request, and renewal tickets.

      1. Select Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsAdvanced Audit Policy ConfigurationAudit PoliciesAccount Logon.

      2. In the view pane, right-click Audit Kerberos Authentication Service and select Properties. In the Audit Kerberos Authentication Service window, mark Configure the following audit events:, and click Success and Failure followed by Apply and OK.

        Repeat for Audit Kerberos Service Ticket Operations.

  6. Configure the subscription manager.

    Navigate to Computer ConfigurationPoliciesAdministrative Templates: Policy definitionsWindows ComponentsEvent Forwarding, right-click Configure target Subscription Manager and select Edit.


    In the Configure target Subscription Manager window, perform the following:

    1. Mark Configure target Subscription Manager as Enabled.

    2. In the Options section, select Show and in the Show Contents window, paste the Subscription Manage URL you copied from the Cortex XDR console, and then click OK.

    3. Click Apply and OK to save your changes.

  7. Add Network Service to Event Log Readers group.

    Select Computer ConfigurationPreferencesControl Panel SettingsLocal Users and Groups, right-click and select NewLocal Group.


    In the New Local Group Properties window:

    1. In the Group name field, select Event Log Readers (built-in).

    2. In the Members section, click Add and enter in the Name filed Network Service followed by OK.


      You must type out the name, do not select the name from the browse button.

    3. Click Apply and OK to save your changes, and close the Group Policy Management Editor window.

  8. Configure the Windows Firewall.


    If Windows Firewall is enabled on your event forwarders, you will have to define an outbound rule to enable the WEF to reach port 5986 on the WEC.

    In the Group Policy Management window, select Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsWindows Firewall with Advanced SecurityOutbound Rules, right-click and select New Rule.

    In the New Outbound Rule Wizard define the following Steps:

    1. Rule Type: Select Port followed by Next.

    2. Protocols and Ports: Select TCP and in the Specific Remote Ports field enter 5986 followed by Next.

    3. Action: Select Allow the connection followed by Next.

    4. Profile: Select Domain and disable Private and Public followed by Next.

    5. Name: Specify Windows Event Forwarding.

    6. To save your changes, click Finish.

Link the policy to the OU or the group of Windows servers you would like to configure as event forwarders. In the following flow, the domain controllers are configured as an event forwarder.

  1. Select Group Policy Management<your domain name>Domain Controllers, right-click and select Link an existing GPO....

  2. In the Select GPO window, click Windows Event Forwarding followed by OK.

  3. In an administrative PowerShell console, execute the following commands:

    1. PS C:\Users\Administrator> gpupdate /force

      Verify that the Computer Policy update has completed successfully. User Policy update has completed successfully. confirmation message is displayed.

    2. PS C:\Users\Administrator> Restart-Service WinRM
  1. In an administrative PowerShell console, run the following command:

    PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WinEvent Microsoft-windows-WinRM/operational -MaxEvents 10
  2. Look for WSMan operation EventDelivery completed successfully confirmation messages. These indicate events forwarded successfully.

After the Windows Event Collector has been activated in the Cortex XDR Management Console, left-click the WEC connection in the APPS column to display the Windows Event Collector settings, and select:

  • Configure to define the event configuration information.

  • Collection Configuration to view or edit existing or add new events to collect.

  • Deactivate to disable the Windows Event Collector.

To view metrics about the Windows Event Collector, left-click the WEC connection in the APPS field for your Broker VM, and you'll see the following metrics:

  • Connectivity Status: Whether the applet is connected to Cortex XDR.

  • Logs Received and Logs Sent: Number of logs received and sent by the applet per second over the last 24 hours. If the number of incoming logs received is larger than the number of logs sent, it could indicate a connectivity issue.

  • Resources: Displays the amount of CPU, Memory, and Disk space the applet is using.