Configure your network parameters - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Documentation

Cortex XDR
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Administrator Guide

Define the IP address ranges and domain names used by Cortex XDR to identify your network assets.

Internal IP address ranges and domain names must be defined in order to track and identify assets in the network. This enables Cortex XDR to analyze, locate, and display your network assets.

  1. In Cortex XDR, select Assets Network Configuration.

  2. Define an IP address range.

    By default, Cortex XDR creates Private Network ranges that specify reserved industry-approved ranges. These ranges can only be renamed.

    To Add New Range, select either:

    • Create New.

      1. In the Create IP Address Range dialog box, enter the IP address Name and IP Address, Range or CIDR values.


        You can add a range that is fully contained in an existing range, however, you cannot add a new range that partially intersects with another range.

      2. Click Save.

    • Upload from File

      1. In the Upload IP Address Range dialogue box, drag and drop or search for a CSV file listing the IP address ranges. Download example file to view the correct format.

      2. Click Add.

  1. In Cortex XDR , select AssetsNetwork ConfigurationInternal Domain Suffixes.

  2. In the Internal Domain Suffixes section, +Add the domain suffix you want to include as part of your internal network. For example,

  3. Select network-mapper-enter.png to add to the Domains List.



Range Name

Name of the IP address range defined.

First IP Address

First IP address value of the defined range.

Last IP Address

Last IP address value of the defined range.

Active Assets

Number of assets within the defined range that have reported Cortex Agent logs or appeared in your Network Firewall Logs.

Active Managed Assets

Number of assets within the defined range reported Cortex XDR Agent logs.

Modified By

Username of the user who last changed the range.

Modification Time

The timestamp shows when this range was last changed.