Ingest Logs and Data from Google Workspace - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

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Administrator Guide

Ingest logs and data from Google Workspace for use in Cortex XDR.

Cortex XDR can ingest the following types of data from Google Workspace, where most of the data is collected as audit events from various Google reports, using the Google Workspace data collector.

  • Google Chrome

  • Admin Console

  • Google Chat

  • Enterprise Groups

  • Login

  • Rules

  • Google drive

  • Token

  • User Accounts

  • SAML

  • Alerts

  • Emails—Requires a compliance mailbox to ingest email data (not email reports).

    • All message details except email headers and email content (payload.body,, and snippet).

    • Attachment details, when Get Attachment Info is selected, includes file name, size, and hash calculation.

The following Google APIs are required to collect the different types of data from Google Workspace.

  • For all data types, except emails: Admin SDK API.

  • For all data types, except alerts and emails: Admin Reports API (part of Admin SDK API).


    For all types of data collected via the Admin Reports API, except alerts and emails, the log events are collected with a preset lag time as reported by Google Workspace. For more information on these lag times for the different types of data, see Google Workspace Data retention and lag times.

  • Alerts require implementing an additional API: Alert Center API (part of Admin SDK API).

  • Emails require implementing the Gmail API.

To receive logs from Google Workspace for any of the data types except emails, you must first enable the Google Workspace Admin SDK API with a user with access to the Admin SDK Reports API. For emails, you must set up a compliance email account as explained in the prerequisite steps below and then enable the Google Workspace Gmail API. Once implemented, you can then configure the Collection Integrations settings in Cortex XDR. After you set up data collection, Cortex XDR begins receiving new logs and data from the source.

When Cortex XDR begins receiving logs, the app creates a new dataset for the different types of data that you are collecting, which you can use to initiate XQL Search queries. For example queries, refer to the in-app XQL Library. For all logs, Cortex XDR can raise Cortex XDR alerts for Correlation Rules only, when relevant from Google Workspace logs.

For the different types of data you can collect using the Google Workspace data collector, the following table lists the different datasets, vendors, and products automatically configured, and whether the data is normalized.

Data type




Normalized data

Google Chrome



Workspace Chrome

Admin console



Workspace Admin Console

When relevant, Cortex XDR normalizes Admin Console audit logs into authentication stories. All SaaS audit logs are collected in a dataset called saas_audit_logs and specific relevant events are collected in the authentication_story preset for the xdr_data dataset.

Google Chat



Workspace Chat

Enterprise groups



Workspace Enterprise Groups

When relevant, Cortex XDR normalizes Enterprise Group audit logs into authentication stories. All SaaS audit logs are collected in a dataset called saas_audit_logs and specific relevant events are collected in the authentication_story preset for the xdr_data dataset.




Workspace Login

When relevant, Cortex XDR normalizes Login audit logs into authentication stories. All SaaS audit logs are collected in a dataset called saas_audit_logs and specific relevant events are collected in the authentication_story preset for the xdr_data dataset.




Workspace Rules

When relevant, Cortex XDR normalizes Rules audit logs into authentication stories. All SaaS audit logs are collected in a dataset called saas_audit_logs and specific relevant events are collected in the authentication_story preset for the xdr_data dataset.

Google Drive



Workspace Drive

When relevant, Cortex XDR normalizes Google drive audit logs into authentication stories. All SaaS audit logs are collected in a dataset called saas_audit_logs and specific relevant events are collected in the authentication_story preset for the xdr_data dataset.




Workspace Token

When relevant, Cortex XDR normalizes Token audit logs into authentication stories. All SaaS audit logs are collected in a dataset called saas_audit_logs and specific relevant events are collected in the authentication_story preset for the xdr_data dataset.

User accounts



Workspace User Accounts




Workspace SAML

When relevant, Cortex XDR normalizes SAML audit logs into authentication stories. All SaaS audit logs are collected in a dataset called saas_audit_logs and specific relevant events are collected in the authentication_story preset for the xdr_data dataset.




Workspace Alerts





Prerequisite Steps

Be sure you do the following tasks before you begin configuring data collection from Google Workspace using the instructions detailed below.

  • When configuring data collection for all data types except emails, you need to complete the Google Workspace Reports API Prerequisites to set up the Google Workspace Admin SDK environment. This entails completing the instructions for Set up the basics and Set up a Google API Console project without activating the Reports API service as this will be explained in greater detail in the task below. For more information on these Google Workspace prerequisite steps, see Reports API Prerequisites.

  • When you only want to collect Google Workspace alerts without configuring any other data types, you need to set up a Cloud Platform project.

  • Before you can collect Google emails, you need to set up the following:

    1. A compliance email account.

    2. The organization’s Google Workspace account administrator can now set up a BCC to this compliance email account for all incoming and outgoing emails of any user in the organization.

      1. Login to the Admin direct routing URL in Google Workspace for the user account that you want to configure.

      2. Double-click Routing, and set the following parameters in the Add setting dialog.

        • Routing: Configure the compliance email account that you want to receive a BCC for emails from this user account using the format BCC TO <compliance email>. For example, BCC TO

        • Select Inbound and Outbound to ensure all incoming and outgoing emails are sent.

        • (Optional) To configure another email address to receive a BCC for emails from this account, select Add more recipients in the Also deliver to section, and then click Add.

        • Click Show options, and from the list displayed select Account types to affectUsers.

        • Save your changes.

    This configuration ensures to forward every message sent to a user account to a defined compliance mailbox. After the Google Workspace data collector ingests the emails, they are deleted from the compliance mailbox to prevent email from building up over time (nothing touches the actual users’ mailboxes).


    • Spam emails from the compliance email account, and from all other monitored email accounts, are not collected.

    • Any draft emails written in the compliance email account are collected by the Google Workspace data collector, and are then deleted even if the email was never sent.

To set up the Google Workspace integration:

  1. Complete the applicable prerequisite steps for the types of data you want to collect from Google Workspace.

  2. Log in to your GCP account.

  3. Perform Google Workspace Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority when collecting any type of data from Google Workspace except Google Emails.

    When collecting any type of data from Google Workspace except emails, you need to set up Google Workspace enterprise applications to access users’ data without any manual authorization. This is performed by following these steps.


    For more information on the entire process, see Perform Google Workspace Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority.

    1. Enable the Admin SDK API to create a service account and set credentials for this service account.

      As you complete this step, you need to gather information related to your service account, including the Client ID, Private key file, and Email address, which you will need to use later on in this task.

      1. Select the menu iconAPIs & ServicesLibrary.

      2. Search for the Admin SDK API, and select the API from the results list.

      3. Enable the Admin SDK API.

      4. Select APIs & ServicesCredentials.

      5. Select + CREATE CREDENTIALSService account.

      6. Set the following Service account details in the applicable fields.

        • Specify a service account name. This name is automatically used to populate the following field as the service account ID, where the name is changed to lowercase letters and all spaces are changed to hyphens.

        • Specify the service account ID, where you can either leave the default service account ID or add a new one. This service account ID is used to set the service account email using the following format: <id>@<project name>

        • (Optional) Specify a service account description.


      8. (Optional) Decide whether you want to Grant this service account access to project or Grant users access to this service account.

      9. Click Done.

      10. Select your newly created Service Account from the list.

      11. Create a service account private key and download the private key file as a JSON file.

        In the Keys tab, select ADD KEYCreate new key, leave the default Key type set to JSON, and CREATE the private key. Once you’ve downloaded the new private key pair to your machine, ensure that you store it in a secure location, because it’s the only copy of this key. You will need to browse to this JSON file when configuring the Google Workplace data collector in Cortex XDR.

    2. When collecting alerts, enable the Alert Center API to create a service account and set credentials for this service account.


      When collecting Google Workspace alerts with other types of data, except emails, you need to configure a service account in Google with the applicable permissions to collect events from the Google Reports API and alerts from the Alert Center API. If you prefer to use different service accounts to collect events and alerts separately, you'll need to create two service accounts with different instances of the Google Workspace data collector. One instance to collect events with a certain service account, and another instance to collect alerts using another service account. The instructions below explain how to set up one Google Workspace instance to collect both event and alerts.

      1. Select the menu iconAPIs & ServicesLibrary.

      2. Search for the Alert Center API, and select the API from the results list.

      3. Enable the Alert Center API.

      4. Select APIs & ServicesCredentials.

      5. Select the same service account in the Service Accounts section that you created for the Admin SDK API above.

    3. Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account with the Admin Reports API and Alert Center API scopes.

      1. Open the Google Admin Console.

      2. Select SecurityAccess and data controlAPI controls.

      3. Scroll down to the Domain wide delegation section, and select MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION.

      4. Click Add new.

      5. Set the following settings to define permissions for the Admin SDK API.

        • Client ID: Specify the service account’s Unique ID, which you can obtain from the Service accounts page by clicking the email of the service account to view further details. When creating a single Google Workspace data collector instance to collect both events and alert data, provide the same service account ID as the Admin SDK API.

        • In the OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) field, paste in the first of the two Admin Reports API scopes:

        • In the following OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) field, paste in the second Admin Reports API scope:


          For more information on the Admin Reports API scopes, see OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIs.

        • When collecting alerts, add the following Alert Center API scope:

      6. Authorize the domain-wide authority to your service account.

        This ensures that your service account now has domain-wide access to the Google Admin SDK Reports API and Google Workspace Alert Center API, if configured, for all of the users of your domain.

  4. Enable the Gmail API to collect Google emails.

    When you are configuring the Google Workspace data collector to collect Google emails, the instruction differ depending on whether you are configuring the collection along with other types of data with the Admin SDK API already set up or you are configuring the collection to only include emails using only the Gmail API. The steps below explain both scenarios.

    1. Select the menu iconAPIs & ServicesLibrary.

    2. Search for the Gmail API, and select the API from the results list.

    3. Enable the Gmail API.

    4. Select APIs & ServicesCredentials.

      The instructions for setting up credentials differ depending on whether you are setting up the Gmail API together with the Admin SDK API as you are collecting other data types, or you are configuring collection for emails only with the Gmail API.

      • When you’ve already set up the Admin SDK API, verify that the same Service Account that you configured for the Admin SDK API is listed, and continue on to the next step.

      • When you’re only collecting Google emails without the Admin SDK API, complete these steps.

        1. Select + CREATE CREDENTIALSService account.

        2. Set the following Service account details in the applicable fields.

          -Specify a service account name. This name is automatically used to populate the following field as the service account ID, where the name is changed to lowercase letters and all spaces are changed to hyphens.

          -Specify the service account ID, where you can either leave the default service account ID or add a new one. This service account ID is used to set the service account email using the following format: <id>@<project name>

          -(Optional) Specify a service account description.


        4. (Optional) Decide whether you want to Grant this service account access to project or Grant users access to this service account.

        5. Click Done.

        6. Select your newly created Service Account from the list.

        7. Create a service account private key and download the private key file as a JSON file.

          In the Keys tab, select ADD KEYCreate new key, leave the default Key type set to JSON, and CREATE the private key. Once you’ve downloaded the new private key pair to your machine, ensure that you store it in a secure location as it’s the only copy of this key. You will need to browse to this JSON file when configuring the Google Workplace data collector in Cortex XDR .

    5. Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account with the Gmail API scopes.

      1. Open the Google Admin Console.

      2. Select SecurityAccess and data controlAPI controls.

      3. Scroll down to the Domain wide delegation section, and select MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION.

        This step explains how the following Gmail API scopes are added.
















          For more information on the Gmail API scopes, see OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIs.

        The instructions differ depending on whether you are setting up the Gmail API together with the Admin SDK API as you are collecting other data types, or you are configuring collection for emails only with the Gmail API.

        • When you’ve already set up the Admin SDK API, Edit the same Service Account that you configured for the Admin SDK API, and add the Gmail API scopes listed above.

        • When you’re only collecting Google emails without the Admin SDK API, click Add New, and set the following settings to define permissions for the Admin SDK API.

          -Client ID—Specify the service account’s Unique ID, which you can obtain from the Service accounts page by clicking the email of the service account to view further details.

          In the OAuth scopes (comma-delimited) field, paste in the first of the Gmail API scopes listed above, and continue adding in the rest of the scopes.

          Authorize the domain-wide authority to your service account.

          This ensures that your service account now has domain-wide access to the Google Gmail API for all of the users of your domain.

  5. Prepare your service account to impersonate a user with access to the Admin SDK Reports API when collecting any type of data from Google Workspace except Google emails.

    Only users with access to the Admin APIs can access the Admin SDK Reports API. Therefore, your service account needs to be set up to impersonate one of these users to access the Admin SDK Reports API. This means that when collecting any type of data from Google Workspace except Google emails, you need to designate a user whose Roles permissions are set to access reports, where SecurityReports is selected. This user’s email will be required when configuring the Google Workspace data collector in Cortex XDR.

    1. In the Google Admin Console, select DirectoryUsers.

    2. From the list of users listed, select the user configured with the necessary permissions in Admin roles and privileges to view reports, such as a Super Admin, that you want to set up your service account to impersonate.

    3. Record the email of this user as you will need it in Cortex XDR .

  6. In Cortex XDR, select SettingsConfigurationsData CollectionCollection Integrations.

  7. In the Google Workspace configuration, click Add Instance to begin a new configuration.

  8. Integrate the applicable Google Workspace service with Cortex XDR.

    1. Specify a descriptive Name for your log collection integration.

    2. Browse to the JSON file containing your service account key Credentials for the Google Workspace Admin SDK API that you enabled. If you’re only collecting Google emails, ensure that you Browse to the JSON file containing your service account private key Credentials for the Gmail API that you enabled.

    3. Select the types of data that you want to Collect from Google Workspace.

      For all options selected, except Emails, you must specify the Service Account Email. This is the email account of the user with access to the Admin SDK Reports API that you prepared your service account to impersonate.

      When selecting Emails, configure the following.

      • Audit Email Account: Specify the email address for the compliance mailbox that you set up.

      • Get Attachment Info from the ingested email, which includes file name, size, and hash calculation.

    4. Test the connection settings.

      To test the connection, you must select one or more log types. Cortex XDR then tests the connection settings for the selected log types.

    5. If successful, Enable Google Workspace log collection.