Investigate an IP address - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Documentation

Cortex XDR
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Administrator Guide

Investigate incidents, connections, and threat intelligence reports related to a specific IP address on the IP View.

Drilldown on an IP address on the IP View. On this view you can investigate and take actions on IP addresses, and see detailed information about an IP address over a defined 24-hour or 7-day time frame. In addition, to help you determine whether an IP address is malicious, the IP View displays an interactive visual representation of the collected activity for a specific IP address.

How to investigate an IP address
  1. Open the IP View.

    Right-click the IP address that you want to investigate and select Open IP View.

  2. In the left panel, review the overview of the IP address.

    The overview displays network operations, incidents, actions, and threat intelligence information relating to the selected IP address, and provides a summary of the network operations and processes related to the IP address.

    The displayed information and available actions are context specific.

    1. Add an Alias or Comment to the IP address.

    2. Review the location of the IP address. By default, Cortex XDR displays information on whether the IP address is an internal or external IP address.

      • ExternalConnection Type: Incoming displaying IP address is located outside of your organization. Displays the country flag if the location information is available.

      • InternalConnection Type: Outgoing displaying IP address is from within your organization. The XDR Agent icon is displayed if the endpoint identified by the IP address had an agent installed at that point in time.

    3. Identify the IOC severity.

      The color of the IP address value is color-coded to indicate the IOC severity.

    4. Review threat intelligence for the IP address.

      Depending on the threat intelligence sources that are integrated with Cortex XDR, the following threat intelligence might be available:

      • Virus Total score and report


        Requires a license key. Select SettingsConfigurationsIntegrations Threat Intelligence.

      • Whois identification data for the specific IP address.

      • IOC Rule, if applicable, includes the IOC Severity, Number of hits, and Source.

      • EDL IP address if the IP address was added to an EDL.

    5. Review the related incidents.

      Related Incidents lists the most recent incidents that contain the IP address as part of the incident’s key artifacts, according to the Last Updated timestamp. If the IP address belongs to an endpoint with a Cortex XDR agent installed, the incidents are displayed according to the host name rather than the IP address. To dive deeper into a specific incident, select the Incident ID.

  3. In the right hand view, use the filter criteria to refine the scope of the IP address information that you want to visualize in the map.

    In the Type field, select Host Insights to pivot to the Asset View of the host associated with the IP address, or select Network Connections to display the IP View of the network connections made with the IP address.

  4. Review the selected data.

    • Select each node for additional information.

    • Select Recent Outgoing Connections to view the most recent connections made by the IP address. Search all Outgoing Connections to run a Network Connections query on all the connections made by the IP address.

  5. Perform actions on IOC or EDL.

    Depending on the current IOC and EDL status, the Actions button is displayed.