Parsing Rules editor views - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Documentation

Cortex XDR
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Administrator Guide

Learn about the Parsing Rules editor User Defined Rules, Default Rules, Both, and Simulate views.


Parsing Rules requires a Cortex XDR Pro per GB license and a user with Cortex Account Administrator or Instance Administrator permissions.

The Parsing Rules editor contains the following views:

  • User Defined (default): Displays an editor for writing your own custom parsing rules that override the default rules and a List of Errors section to help you troubleshoot errors in your Parsing Rules.

  • Default Rules: Displays the parsing rules that are provided by default with Cortex XDR in read-only mode and a List of Errors section to view any errors in your Parsing Rules.

  • Both: Side-by-side view of both the Default Rules and User Defined rules, so you can easily view the different rules on one screen. In addition, the LIst of Errors section helps you troubleshoot any errors in your Parsing Rules.

  • Simulate: Enables you to test your Parsing Rules on actual logs and validate their outputs, which helps minimize your errors when creating Parsing Rules. The editor includes the following sections.

    • User defined: A list of the current User defined rules on the left side of the window.

    • XQL Samples: A table of the existing Cortex Query Language (XQL) raw data samples on the right side of the window, which contain sample logs listing the Vendor, Product, Raw Log, and Sample Time. For each Vendor and Product, up to 5 different samples are available to choose from. From this list, you can select the logs used to simulate the rule.

    • Logs Output: Displays in a table format the following columns per dataset at the bottom of the window.

      • Dataset: Displays the applicable dataset name and a line number associated to this dataset in the User defined section.

      • Vendor: The vendor associated with this dataset.

      • Product: The product associated with this dataset.

      • Logs Output: Displays the output logs that are available based on your User defined rules and XQL Samples selected after simulating the results. When there is no output log to display, the text Output logs is not available with the corresponding error message is displayed. When there is no output due to a missing rule in the User defined section for the logs selected, the text No output logs. You can change your parsing rules and try again is displayed.

      • Input Logs: Displays the relevant input log with a right-click pivot to Show diff between the Output Logs and Input Logs.