Learn how to set up your Cortex XDR Broker virtual machine (VM) on Alibaba Cloud.
After you download your Cortex XDR Broker virtual machine (VM) QCOW2 image, you need to upload it to Alibaba Cloud. Since the image file is larger than 5G, you need to download the ossutil
utility file provided by Alibaba Cloud to upload the image.
Download a Cortex XDR Broker VM QCOW2 image. For more information, see the virtual machine compatibility requirements in Set up and configure Broker VM.
Perform the following procedures in the order listed below.
The download is dependent on the operating system and infrastructure you are using.
Alibaba Cloud supports using the following operating systems for the utility file: Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Supported architectures: x86 (32-bit and 64-bit) and ARM (32-bit and 64-bit)
For more information on downloading the utility, see the Alibaba Cloud documentation.
The command is dependent on the operating system and architecture you are using. Below are a few examples of the commands to use based on the different operating systems and architectures, which you may need to modify based on your system requirements.
./ossutil64 cp Downloads/<name of Broker VM QCOW2 image> oss://<directory name>/<file name for uploaded image>
./ossutil64 cp Downloads/QCOW2_broker-vm-14.0.1.qcow2 oss://kvm-images-qcow2/Cortex XDR -broker-vm-14.0.1.qcow2
./ossutilmac64 cp Downloads/<name of Broker VM QCOW2 image oss://<directory name>/<file name for uploaded image>
./ossutilmac64 cp Downloads/QCOW2_broker-vm-14.0.1.qcow2 oss://kvm-images-qcow2/Cortex XDR -broker-vm-14.0.1.qcow2
Format for 64-bit
D:\ossutil>ossutil64.exe cp Downloads\<name of Broker VM QCOW2 image> oss://<directory name>/<file name for uploaded image>
Example for 64-bit
D:\ossutil>ossutil64.exe cp Downloads\QCOW2_broker-vm-14.0.1.qcow2 oss://kvm-images-qcow2/Cortex XDR -broker-vm-14.0.1.qcow2
For Linux and Windows uploads, you can use Alibaba Cloud’s graphical management tool called ossbrowser.
Open the Alibaba Cloud console.
Select Hamburger menu → Object Storage Service → <directory name>, where the <directory name> is the directory you configured when uploading the image. For example, in the step above the <directory name> used in the examples provided is kvm-images-qcow2.
The Object Storage Service must be created in the same Region as the image of the virtual machine.
From the list of images displayed, find the row for the Broker VM QCOW2 image that you uploaded, and click View Details.
In the URL field of the View Details right-pane displayed, copy the internal link for the image in Alibaba cloud. The URL that you copy ends with .com and you should not include any of the text displayed after this.
Select Hamburger menu → Elastic Compute Service → Instances & Images → Images.
In the Import Images area on the Images page, click Import Images.
In the Import Images window, set the following parameters:
OSS Object Address: This field is a combination of the internal link that you copied for the Broker VM image and the file name for the uploaded image, using this format <internal link>/<file name for uploaded image>. Paste the internal link for the Broker VM QCOW2 image in Alibaba Cloud that you copied, and add the following text after the .com: /<file name for uploaded image>.
Image Name: Specify a name for the image.
Operating System/Platform: Leave Linux configured and change CentOS to Ubuntu.
System Architecture: Leave the default x86_64 selected.
Leave the rest of the fields as defined by the default or change them according to your system requirements.
Click OK.
A notification is displayed indicating that image was imported successfully. Once the Status for the imported image in the Images page changes to Available, you will know the process is complete. This can take a few minutes.
Select Hamburger menu → Elastic Compute Service → Instances & Images → Instances.
Create Instance to open a wizard to define the VM machine.
Define the Basic Configurations screen by setting these parameters:
Billing Method: Select the applicable billing method according to your system requirements.
Region: Ensure the Region selected is the same as the OSS Object Address.
Instance Type: Set these settings according to your system requirements.
Selected Instance Type Quantity: Set these settings according to your system requirements.
Image: Select Custom Image, and in the field select the image that you imported to Alibaba Cloud.
Storage (Optional): Set these settings according to your system requirements.
Snapshot (Optional): Set these settings according to your system requirements.
Click Next.
Define the Networking screen by setting these parameters:
Network Type: Select the applicable Network Type and update the field according to your system configuration.
Public IP Address (Optional): Enable the instance to access the public network.
Security Group: You must select a Security Group for setting network access controls for the instance. Ensure that port 22 and port 443 are allowed in the security group rules to access the Broker VM.
Elastic Network Interface (Optional): Add an ENI according to you system requirements.
Click Next.
Define the System Configurations screen by setting these parameters:
Logon Credentials: Select Inherit Password From Image.
Instance Name: You can either leave the default instance name or specify a new name for the VM instance.
Description (Optional): Specify a description for the VM instance.
The rest of the fields are optional to configure.
Click Next.
(Optional) Define the Grouping screen according to your system requirements.
Click Next.
Review the Preview screen settings, select ECS Terms of Service and Product Terms of Service, and click Create Instance.
A dialog box is displayed indicating that the VM instance has been created. Click Console to bring you back to the Instances page, where you can see the IP Address listed to connect to the VM instance.
Reboot the Broker VM before logging in for the first time.