Cortex XDR enables you to view specific cloud assets from a designated cloud assets category in the Specific Cloud Asset pages.
Specific Cloud Assets: the name of the specific cloud asset page.
Asset Type: the asset type that is automatically associated with this specific cloud asset page.
Asset Subtype: the asset subtype that is automatically associated with this specific cloud asset page.
Unique Fields: the unique fields that are only available when viewing this specific cloud asset page, and are displayed in addition to the common fields listed for the All Cloud Assets page. These fields are exposed by default.
Specific Cloud Assets | Asset Type | Asset Subtype | Unique Fields |
Compute Instances | Compute | Instance |
Disks | Compute | Disk |
Storage Buckets | Storage | Bucket |
Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) | Compute | VPC | DEFAULT VPC—Displays a boolean value as either Yes or No to indicate whether this asset is the default VPC. |
Subnets | Compute | Subnet | No specific unique fields are displayed in addition to the common fields. |
Security Groups (FW Rules) | Compute | Security Group | No specific unique fields are displayed in addition to the common fields. |
Images | Compute | Image | No specific unique fields are displayed in addition to the common fields. |
Network Interfaces | Compute | Network Interfaces | No specific unique fields are displayed in addition to the common fields. |
Cloud Functions | Cloud Function | Cloud Function | No specific unique fields are displayed in addition to the common fields. |