json_extract_scalar - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Documentation

Cortex XDR
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Administrator Guide

Learn more about the Cortex Query Language json_extract_scalar() function.


Before using this JSON function, it's important that you understand how Cortex XDR treats a JSON in the Cortex Query Language. For more information, see JSON functions.

json_extract_scalar(<json_object_formatted_string>, <field_path>)

When a field in the <json_path> contains characters, such as a dot (.) or colon (:), use the syntax:

json_extract_scalar(<json_object_formatted_string>, "['<json_field>']")

To make it easier for you to write your XQL queries, you can also use the following syntactic sugar format:

<json_object_formatted_string> -> <field_path>

When a field in the <json_path> contains characters, such as a dot (.) or colon (:), use the syntax:

<json_object_formatted_string> -> ["<json_field>"]

The json_extract_scalar() function accepts a string representing a JSON object, and it retrieves the value from the identified field as a string. This function always returns a string. If the JSON field is an object or array, it will return a null value. To retrieve an XQL-native datatype, use an appropriate function, such as to_float or to_integer. If the input string does not represent a JSON object, this function fails to parse. To convert a string field to a JSON object, use the to_json_string function.


JSON field names are case sensitive, so the key to field pairing must be identical in an XQL query for results to be found. For example, if a field value is "TIMESTAMP" and your query is defined to look for "timestamp", no results will be found.


Return the storage_device_drive_type value from the action_file_device_info field, and return the record if it is 1.

There are two ways that you can build this query either with a filter using an XQL-native datatype or string.

Option A - Filter using an XQL-native datatype

dataset = xdr_data 
| fields action_file_device_info as afdi 
| alter sdn = to_integer(json_extract_scalar(to_json_string(afdi), "$.storage_device_drive_type")) 
| filter sdn = 1 
| limit 10

Option B - Filter using a string

dataset = xdr_data 
| fields action_file_device_info as afdi 
| alter sdn = json_extract_scalar(to_json_string(afdi), "$.storage_device_drive_type") 
| filter sdn = "1" 
| limit 10

Using Syntactic Sugar Format

The same example above with a syntactic sugar format.

dataset = xdr_data
| fields action_file_device_info as afdi
| alter sdn = to_integer(to_json_string(afdi)->storage_device_drive_type)
| filter sdn = 1
| limit 10