Build a Custom Dashboard - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Prevent Administrator Guide

Cortex XDR
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Administrator Guide

You can customize the Cortex XDR dashboard to display information that is most relevant to you and best presented for your review.

To create purposeful dashboards, you must consider the information that you and other analysts find important to your day-to-day operations. This consideration guides you in building a custom dashboard. When you create a dashboard, you can select widgets from the widget library and choose their placement on the dashboard.

  1. Select Dashboards & ReportsCustomizeDashboards Manager+ New Dashboard.

  2. In the Dashboard Builder, enter a unique Dashboard Name and an optional Description of the dashboard.

  3. Choose the Dashboard Type.

    You can use an existing dashboard as a template, or you can build a new dashboard from scratch.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Customize your dashboard.

    1. To get a feel for how the data will look, Cortex XDR provides mock data. To see how the dashboard would look with real data in your environment, you can use the toggle above the dashboard to use Real Data.

    2. Drag and drop widgets from the widget library to their desired position.

    3. For agent-related widgets, apply an endpoint scope, if desired.

      Applying an endpoint scope restricts the results to only the endpoints that belong to the group. To apply the scope, select the menu on the top right corner of the widget and then select Groups. Search for and select one or more endpoint groups for which you want to set the widget scope.

    4. For incident-related widgets, select the star to display only incidents that match an incident starring configuration on your dashboard, if desired. A purple star indicates that the widget is displaying only starred incidents (see Manage Incident Starring).

    5. Repeat the process to continue adding additional widgets to the dashboard. If necessary, you can also remove unwanted widgets from the dashboard. To remove a widget, select the menu in the top right corner, and Remove widget.

  6. When you have finished customizing your dashboard, click Next.

  7. To set the custom dashboard as your default dashboard when you log in to Cortex XDR , select Define as default dashboard.

  8. To keep this dashboard visible only for you, select Private.

    Otherwise, the dashboard is public and visible to all Cortex XDR app users with the appropriate roles to manage dashboards.

  9. Generate your dashboard.