Add a Legacy Exception Rule - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Pro Administrator Guide

Cortex XDR
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide

Cortex XDR Legacy Exception rules enable you to configure an exception to prevention and protection modules on endpoints for selected profiles.

Legacy Exception rules enable you to configure an exception to prevention and protection modules on endpoints for selected profiles.

Items included in allow lists may continue to generate Cortex XDR security events. If you want to exclude event reporting, configure this on the Alert Exclusions page (SettingsException ConfigurationsAlert Exclusions).

Cortex XDR enables you to manage the Malware Security exceptions from a central location and easily apply them across multiple profiles in the Legacy Agent Exceptions Management page. 

To manage the prevention profile exceptions from Exception Configuration, you must first migrate your existing exceptions configured via the Prevention profiles.

Your migrated rules are displayed on the SettingsException ConfigurationsLegacy Agent Exceptions page. For more information about the migration, see Exception Configuration.Exception Configuration

Create a new Legacy Exception rule.

  1. From SettingsException ConfigurationsLegacy Agent Exceptions, + Add Rule.

  2. Select the platform for which you want to create an agent exception.

  3. Select the Module for which you want to create an exception.

  4. For each module, specify the following parameters.






    Respond to Malicious Causality Chains


    Add to your allow list specific and known safe IP address or IP address ranges that you do not want Cortex XDR to block.

    Behavioral Threat Protection

    Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Add to your allow list the file or folder path you want to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Office Files with Micros Examination


    Add to your allow list the file or folder path you want to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Portable Executable and DLL Examination


    Add to your allow list the file or folder path and the signers you want to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Malicious Child Process Protection


    Add to your allow list the parent processes that can launch child processes to your allow list with optional execution criteria. Specify the allow list criteria including the Parent Process NameChild Process Name, and Command Line Params. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Ransomware Protection


    Add to your allow list the file or folder path you want to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Endpoint Scanning

    Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Add to your allow list the file or folder path and the signers you want to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Credential Gathering Protection

    Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Anti Webshell Protection

    Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Financial Malware Threat Protection

    Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Cryptominers Protection

    Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    In-process Shellcode Protection


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Malicious Device Prevention


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    UAC Bypass Prevention


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Anti Tampering Protection

    Windows, MacOS

    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Mach-o Files Examination


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    DMG File Examination


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Local File Threat Examination


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    ELF File Examination


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Reverse Shell Protection


    Specify the Process Path. Local IP Address and port, and the Remote IP Address and port of the process you want to allow. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    APK Files Examination


    Specify the signers you want to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    SMS and MMS Malicious URL filtering Allow list


    Add to your allow list and known safe URLs that you do not want Cortex XDR to block.

    Call and Messages Blocking Allow list


    Add to your allow list names and phone numbers of contacts that you do not want Cortex XDR to block.

    Dynamic Kernel Protection


    Add to your allow list the file or folder path you want to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.


    Executable Files


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Network Location Files


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Optical Drive Files


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

    Removable Media Files


    Add to your allow list the file or folder paths to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.


    Process Exceptions

    Windows, MacOS, Linux

    Add to your allow list the process and the module names to exclude from evaluation. Use ? to match a single character or * to match any string of characters.

  5. Select all to apply the exception to all profiles for this module or select specific profiles.


If you don't migrate the legacy exceptions, you can continue to create exceptions through the profiles.