Predefined Dashboards - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Pro Administrator Guide

Cortex XDR
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Administrator Guide

Cortex XDR comes with predefined dashboards for common reports that enable you to monitor the status of your deployment.

Cortex XDR provides predefined dashboards that display widgets tailored to the dashboard type. To access your default dashboard select Dashboards & Reports → Dashboard. From the dashboard header, a drop-down menu lists the available Predefined and Custom dashboards. The available dashboards depend on your license type.

You can rename and customize a predefined dashboard in the Dashboard Builder. For more information, see Build a Custom Dashboard.Build a Custom Dashboard

The Agent Management dashboard displays at-a-glance information about the endpoints and agents in your deployment.


Support for the Agent Management dashboard requires either a Cortex XDR Prevent or Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint license.


The dashboard includes the following Dashboard Widgets:

  • Agent Status Breakdown

  • Agent Content Version Breakdown (Top 5)

  • Agent Version Breakdown (Top 5)

  • Operating Type Distribution

  • Top Hosts (Top 10 | Last 30 days)

The Cloud Inventory dashboard displays an overview of all your assets on the cloud.


The dashboard is comprised of the following :

  • Accounts by Cloud Provider

  • Compute Instances Over Time

  • Assets by Cloud Provider

  • Assets by Type

  • Assets by Sub-Type

  • Assets by Geo Region

  • Assets by Region

  • Assets by Responsive Port Number

  • Responsive Assets Over Time

The Data Ingestion dashboard displays an overview and detailed information regarding the type and amount of data ingested by Cortex XDR according to the Products and Vendors used. For example, Syslog Collector, Check Point logs, and authentication logs.


The dashboard is comprised of the following :

  • Daily Consumption—Stacked graphs measuring your daily data consumption, according to either Vendors (default) or Products, versus your daily consumption limit. Each bar indicates a 24 hour range over the past 14 days. Cortex XDR measures and enforces the 24 hour rage according to UTC, but the graph displays the 24 hour rage according to the selected tenant timezone.

  • Ingestion Rate—Displays your data ingestion rate, measured in Traffic/ Sec, over the past 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days filtered according to the type of Vendors (default), Products, or All Sources.

  • Detailed Ingestion—Table listing for the different Products (default) or Vendors, the LAST SEEN date and time, LAST DAY INGESTED for the amount of data ingested over the last 24 hour range, and the CURRENT DAY INGESTED for the current amount ingested in the past 24 hours. Detailed ingestion for the current 24 hours is updated in 5 minute intervals.


Due to a calculation change in NGFW log ingestion and improvements to data ingestion metrics, you cannot view data earlier than July 2023 on this dashboard. However, you can still view this data by running Cortex XQL Language (XQL) queries on the metrics_center data set.

The Incidents Management dashboard provides a graphical summary of incidents in your environment, with incidents prioritized and listed by severity, assignee, incident age, and affected hosts.

To filter a widget to display only incidents that match incident starring policies, select the star in the right corner. A purple star indicates that the widget is displaying only starred incidents. The starring filter is persistent and will continue to show the filtered results until you clear the star.

My Dashboard provides an overview of the incidents and MTTR for the logged-in user.