Report templates - User Guide - 2 - Cortex XPANSE - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex Xpanse Expander User Guide

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User Guide

The Report Templates page provides a list of all custom and predefined report templates. From here, you can view, delete, create, and modify report templates.

Predefined report templates

Cortex Xpanse provides the following predefined report templates:

Report Name


Attack Surface Compliance Report

Overview of compliance framework adherence related to attack surface exposure.

Attack Surface Management Report

Overview of all assets that are exposed to the internet and a breakdown of incidents related to attack surface exposure.

Expander Home Report

High-level overview of your organization's attack surface and how it's trending over time, including active response trends.

Incident Management Report

Breakdown of the top incidents in the organization and an overview of the top incident assignees.

Monthly ASM Overview

Monthly overview of your organization’s attack surface and key trends.

Quarterly ASM Overview

Quarterly overview of your organization’s attack surface and key trends.

Risk Prioritization Report

Overview of how your risk scores are distributed across your organization and their progress over time.

Remediation Report

Detailed information, broken down by business unit, on your security risks, prioritization of those risks, and remediation guidance.

Risk Prioritization Report

Overview of how your risk scores are distributed across your organization and their progress over time.

Threat Report

Overview of zero-day threats and the impact to your organization, affected assets, and what remediation steps to take.

Unmanaged Cloud Report

Overview of cloud resources that are exposed to the internet.

Websites Report

Overview of websites that are exposed to the internet.