Provide basic information about your organization to create a more comprehensive and customized inventory of your external-facing assets.
The initial asset map that Cortex Xpanse provides is called your core production map. It contains a relatively narrow but accurate inventory of externally-facing assets within your parent organization, so you can immediately begin to understand and reduce your attack surface.
While you work with your core production map, we recommend that you provide to Customer Success some basic information about your organization (called seed data) so we can create your enhanced production map. The enhanced production map is an even more comprehensive inventory of your externally-facing assets, not only for your parent organization but also for specific business units, subsidiaries, and acquisitions you provide.
To start the creation of your enhanced production map, provide the following seed data to your dedicated Customer Success team:
Alternate naming conventions for your business, including acquisitions, subsidiaries, and historical names.
Your cybersecurity organizational and governance structure (what we call usually call business units).
This information will help us organize your data into a form that is most useful for you.
Your most current master IP address and domain lists.
This information enables us to flag newly discovered items during our mapping process.
After you've submitted your seed data, your enhanced production map will be completed in 15 business days. The Customer Success team will contact you when the completed map is ready for your review.
Additional Information
See Manage Business Units for details about how business unit definitions help identify and organize the assets in your inventory.