Create a triage - Administrator Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM Administrator Guide

Cortex XSIAM
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Last date published
Administrator Guide

Triage collections enable you to obtain additional information for certain activities that have occurred on the endpoints. This helps towards the forensics analytics of an investigation.

Use triage collections when a certain activity, group of activities, or the actions of a specific user on that endpoint have been identified, and additional information is required. The triage functionality collects detailed system information, including a full file listing for all of the connected drives, full event logs, and registry hives, to provide you with a complete, holistic picture of an endpoint.

Triage supports data collection from both online and offline hosts, on both Windows and macOS platforms.

  1. In the Triage Collection Name field, enter a name that will be easy to find in the collections table.

  2. Select the Platform either Windows or macOS.

  3. In the Description field, enter information that is relevant to the collection you are creating .

  4. For Triage Type, you can select Offline or Online or both.

  5. Select Offline to upload archives containing forensic data collected by the Offline Collector. After the archive has been uploaded, the data is extracted and ingested into the Forensics tables on the tenant. Import Offline Triage supports uploading packages created on both the Windows and macOS platforms.

  6. Click Save Collection and Exit or click Next to continue.

  7. In the configuration page, select the options from the Artifacts, Volatiles and File Collection list.

    You can click Add Custom to add your own file to the File Collections.

  8. You can select a preset from Select Presets (Windows/macOS) to copy the options of artifacts, volatiles and file collections from another collection.

    You can also click Save new preset to save the options of the current collection for prospective triage collections to use.

  9. Click Save Collection and Exit or click Next to continue.