Cortex XSIAM has different log formats that the Cortex XSIAM tenant forwards to an external server or email destination.
The following topics list the fields of each Cortex XSIAM log type that the Cortex XSIAM tenant can forward to an external server or email destination.
With log forwarding to a syslog receiver, the Cortex XSIAM tenant sends logs in the IETF syslog message format defined in RFC 5425. To facilitate parsing, the delimiter is a comma and each field is a comma-separated value (CSV) string.
The FUTURE_USE tag applies to fields that Cortex XSIAM does not currently implement.
With log forwarding to an email destination, the Cortex XSIAM tenant sends an email with each field on a separate line in the email body.
Threat Logs
Syslog format: recordType, class, FUTURE_USE, eventType, generatedTime, serverTime, agentTime, tzOffset, FUTURE_USE, facility, customerId, trapsId, serverHost, serverComponentVersion, regionId, isEndpoint, agentId, osType, isVdi, osVersion, is64, agentIp, deviceName, deviceDomain, severity, trapsSeverity, agentVersion, contentVersion, protectionStatus, preventionKey, moduleId, profile, moduleStatusId, verdict, preventionMode, terminate, terminateTarget, quarantine, block, postDetected, eventParameters(Array), sourceProcessIdx(Array), targetProcessIdx(Array), fileIdx(Array), processes(Array), files(Array), users(Array), urls(Array), description(Array)
Email body format example:
recordType: threat messageData/class: threat messageData/subClass: eventType: AgentSecurityEvent generatedTime: 2019-01-29T05:07:58.045-08:00 serverTime: 2018-07-02T20:01:39.591Z endPointHeader/agentTime: 2018-07-02T20:01:03Z endPointHeader/tzOffset: 180 product: facility: TrapsAgent customerId: 245143 trapsId: mac510a2monday-01 serverHost: coreop-qaauta-2606-0-112132729246-266 serverComponentVersion: 2.0.2 regionId: 70 isEndpoint: 1 agentId: dc3af3198f172048082c21ff0956866b endPointHeader/osType: 2 endPointHeader/isVdi: 0 endPointHeader/osVersion: 10.11.6 endPointHeader/is64: 1 endPointHeader/agentIp: endPointHeader/deviceName: A1260700MC1011 endPointHeader/deviceDomain: severity: emergency messageData/trapsSeverity: medium endPointHeader/agentVersion: endPointHeader/contentVersion: 26-3625 endPointHeader/protectionStatus: 0 messageData/preventionKey: 9a94965188d2455486dd8d60cf4b3849 messageData/moduleId: COMPONENT_EPM_J01 messageData/profile: ExploitModules messageData/moduleStatusId: CYSTATUS_JIT_EXCEPTION messageData/verdict: messageData/preventionMode: blocked messageData/terminate: 1 messageData/terminateTarget: quarantine: messageData/block: 0 messageData/postDetected: 0 messageData/eventParameters: "[""/Users/administrator/Desktop/JitMac/j01_test"",""711046b89e2f2c70cdbb41f615c54bd1b4270ecbbb176edeb1bb4fe4619""]" messageData/sourceProcessIdx: 0 messageData/targetProcessIdx: -1 messageData/fileIdx: 0 messageData/processes: "[{""exeFileIdx"":0,""commandLine"":""/Users/Administrator/Desktop/JitMac/j01_test test=system depth=1"",""userIdx"":0,""pid"":1359,""parentId"":452}]" messageData/files: "[{""sha256"":""711046b89e2f2c70cdbb41f615c54bd1b4270ecbbb176edeb1bb4654619"", ""rawFullPath"":""/Users/administrator/Desktop/JitMac/j01_test"",""signers"":[""N/A""],""fileName"":""j01_test""}]" messageData/users: "[{""userName"":""Administrator""}]" messageData/urls: [] messageData/description: Memory Corruption Exploit
Field Name | Description |
recordType | Record type associated with the event and that you can use when managing logging quotas. In this case, the record type is threat which includes logs related to security events that occur on the endpoints. |
class | Class of Cortex XDR agent log: config, policy, system, or agent_log. |
eventType | Subtype of event: AgentActionReport, AgentDeviceControlViolation, AgentGenericMessage, AgentSamReport, AgentScanReport, AgentSecurityEvent, AgentStatistics, AgentTimelineEvent, ServerLogPerAgent, ServerLogPerTenant, or ServerLogSystem. |
generatedTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which an event was logged. For agent events, this represents the time on the endpoint. For policy, configuration, and system events, this represents the time on Cortex XSIAM in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
serverTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which the server generated the log. If the log was generated on an endpoint, this field identifies the time the server received the log in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
agentTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which an agent logged an event in ISO-8601 string representation. |
tzOffset | Effective endpoint time zone offset from UTC, in minutes. |
facility | The Cortex XSIAM system component that initiated the event, for example: TrapsAgent, TrapsServiceCore, TrapsServiceManagement, and TrapsServiceBackend. |
customerId | The ID that uniquely identifies the Cortex XSIAM tenant instance which received this log record. |
trapsId | Tenant external ID. |
serverHost | Hostname of Cortex XSIAM. |
serverComponentVersion | Software version of Cortex XSIAM. |
regionId | ID of Cortex XSIAM region:
isEndpoint | Indicates whether the event occurred on an endpoint.
agentId | Unique identifier for the Cortex XDR agent. |
osType | Operating system of the endpoint:
isVdi | Indicates whether the endpoint is a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI):
osVersion | Full version number of the operating system running on the endpoint. For example, 6.1.7601.19135. |
is64 | Indicates whether the endpoint is running a 64-bit version of Windows:
agentIp | IP address of the endpoint. |
deviceName | Hostname of the endpoint on which the event was logged. |
deviceDomain | Domain to which the endpoint belongs. |
severity | Syslog severity level associated with the event.
Each event also has an associated Cortex XSIAM severity. See the |
trapsSeverity | Severity level associated with the event defined for Cortex XSIAM. Each of these severities corresponds to a syslog severity level:
See also the |
agentVersion | Version of the Cortex XDR agent. |
contentVersion | Content version in the local security policy. |
protectionStatus | Cortex XDR agent protection status:
preventionKey | Unique identifier for security events. |
moduleId | Security module name. |
profile | Name of the security profile that triggered the event. |
moduleStatusId | Identifies the specific component of Cortex XSIAM modules.
verdict | Verdict for the file:
preventionMode | Action carried out by the Cortex XDR agent (block or notify). The prevention mode is specified in the rule configuration. |
terminate | Termination action taken on the file.
terminateTarget | Termination action taken on the target file (relevant for some child process execution events where we terminate the child process but not the parent process):
quarantine | Quarantine action taken on the file:
block | Block action taken on the file:
postDetected | Post detection status of the file:
eventParameters(Array) | Parameters associated with the type of event. For example, username, endpoint hostname, and filename. |
sourceProcessIdx(Array) | The prevention source process index in the processes array. |
targetProcessIdx(Array) | Target process index in the processes array. A missing or negative value means there is no target process. |
fileIdx(Array) | Index of target files for specific security events such as: Scanning, Malicious DLL, Malicious Macro events. |
processes(Array) | All related details for the process file that triggered an event:
files(Array) | File object includes:
users(Array) | Details about the active user on the endpoint when the event occurred:
urls(Array) | Additional details related to a URL:
description(Array) | (Mac only) Description of components related to Cortex XSIAM . For example, the description of the ROP, JIT, Dylib hijacking modules for Mac endpoints is Memory Corruption Exploit. |
Config Logs
Syslog format: recordType, class, FUTURE_USE, subClassId, eventType, eventCategory, generatedTime, serverTime, FUTURE_USE, facility, customerId, trapsId, serverHost, serverComponentVersion, regionId, isEndpoint, severity, trapsSeverity, messageCode, friendlyName, FUTURE_USE, msgTextEn, userFullName, userName, userRole, userDomain, additionalData(Array), messageCode, errorText, errorData, resultData
Email body format example:
recordType: system messageData/class: system messageData/subClass: Provisioning messageData/subClassId: 13 eventType: ServerLogPerTenant messageData/eventCategory: tenant generatedTime: 2019-01-31T18:15:19.000000+00:00 serverTime: 2019-01-31T18:15:19.000000+00:00 product: facility: TrapsServerManagement customerId: 004403511 trapsId: 18520498190303952 serverHost: 14917869646-201.proda.brz serverComponentVersion: 2.0.9+624 regionId: isEndpoint: 0 agentId: severity: notice messageData/trapsSeverity: informational messageData/messageCode: 19015 messageData/friendlyName: User Login messageData/msgTextLoc: messageData/msgTextEn: User has logged in with role superadmin endPointHeader/userFullName: endPointHeader/username: endPointHeader/userRole: endPointHeader/userDomain: endPointHeader/agentTime: endPointHeader/tzOffset: endPointHeader/osType: endPointHeader/isVdi: endPointHeader/osVersion: endPointHeader/is64: endPointHeader/agentIp: endPointHeader/deviceName: endPointHeader/deviceDomain: endPointHeader/agentVersion: endPointHeader/contentVersion: endPointHeader/protectionStatus: messageData/userFullName: messageData/username: messageData/userRole: messageData/userDomain: messageData/messageName: messageData/messageId: messageData/processStatus: messageData/errorText: messageData/errorData: messageData/resultData: messageData/parameters: messageData/additionalData: {}
Field Name | Description |
recordType | Record type associated with the event and that you can use when managing logging quotas. In this case, the record type is config which includes logs related to Cortex XSIAM administration and configuration changes. |
class | Class of Cortex XSIAM log. System logs have a value of system. |
subClass | Subclass of event. Used to categorize logs in Cortex XSIAM. |
subClassId | Numeric representation of the subClass field for easy sorting and filtering. |
eventType | Subtype of event. |
eventCategory | Category of event, used internally for processing the flow of logs. Event categories vary by class:
generatedTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which an event was logged. For agent events, this represents the time on the endpoint. For policy, configuration, and system events, this represents the time on Cortex XSIAM in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
serverTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which the server generated the log. If the log was generated on an endpoint, this field identifies the time the server received the log in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
facility | The Cortex XSIAM system component that initiated the event, for example: TrapsAgent, TrapsServiceCore, TrapsServiceManagement, and TrapsServiceBackend. |
customerId | The ID that uniquely identifies the Cortex XSIAM tenant instance which received this log record. |
trapsId | Tenant external ID. |
serverHost | Hostname of Cortex XSIAM. |
serverComponentVersion | Software version of Cortex XSIAM. |
regionId | ID of Cortex XSIAM region:
isEndpoint | Indicates whether the event occurred on an endpoint.
agentId | Unique identifier for the Cortex XDR agent. |
severity | Syslog severity level associated with the event.
Each event also has an associated Cortex XSIAM severity. See the |
trapsSeverity | Severity level associated with the event defined for Cortex XSIAM. Each of these severities corresponds to a syslog severity level:
See also the |
messageCode | System-wide unique message code. |
friendlyName | Descriptive log message name. |
msgTextEn | Description of the event, in English. |
userFullName | Full username of Cortex XSIAM user. |
userName | Username associated with Cortex XSIAM user. |
userRole | Role assigned to Cortex XSIAM user. |
userDomain | Domain to which the user belongs. |
agentTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which an agent logged an event in ISO-8601 string representation. |
tzOffset | Effective endpoint time zone offset from UTC, in minutes. |
osType | Operating system of the endpoint:
isVdi | Indicates whether the endpoint is a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI):
osVersion | Full version number of the operating system running on the endpoint. For example, 6.1.7601.19135. |
is64 | Indicates whether the endpoint is running a 64-bit version of Windows:
agentIp | IP address of the endpoint. |
deviceName | Hostname of the endpoint on which the event was logged. |
deviceDomain | Domain to which the endpoint belongs. |
agentVersion | Version of the Cortex XSIAM agent. |
contentVersion | Content version in the local security policy. |
protectionStatus | Cortex XSIAM agent protection status:
userFullName | Full name of Cortex XSIAM user. |
userName | Username associated with Cortex XSIAM user. |
userRole | Role assigned to Cortex XSIAM user. |
userDomain | Domain to which the user belongs. |
messageName | Name of the message. |
messageId | Unique numeric identifier of the message. |
processStatus | State of the process related to the event. |
errorText | If known, a description of the documented error. |
errorData | Parameters related to an event error. |
resultData | Parameters related to a successful event. |
parameters | Parameters supplied in the log message. |
additionalData(Array) | Additional information regarding event parameters. |
loggedInUser | User that is logged in to the Cortex XSIAM. |
Analytics Logs
Syslog format: recordType, class, FUTURE_USE, eventType, eventCategory, generatedTime, serverTime, agentTime, tzOffset, FUTURE_USE, facility, customerId, trapsId, serverHost, serverComponentVersion, regionId, isEndpoint, agentId, osType, isVdi, osVersion, is64, agentIp, deviceName, deviceDomain, severity, agentVersion, contentVersion, protectionStatus, sha256, type, parentSha256, lastSeen, fileName, filePath, fileSize, localAnalysisResult, reported, blocked, executionCount
Email body format example:
recordType: analytics messageData/class: agent_data messageData/subClass: eventType: AgentTimelineEvent messageData/eventCategory: hash generatedTime: 2019-01-31T18:00:43Z serverTime: 2019-01-31T18:59:46.586Z endPointHeader/agentTime: 2019-01-31T18:00:43Z endPointHeader/tzOffset: -480 product: facility: TrapsAgent customerId: 110044035 trapsId: 18520039498190352 serverHost: coreop-f-proda-mnmauto03930348053-311.proda.brz serverComponentVersion: 2.0.9+564 regionId: 10 isEndpoint: 1 agentId: 3bcf7e5ff56e2891c78684a38b728e49 endPointHeader/osType: 2 endPointHeader/isVdi: 0 endPointHeader/osVersion: 10.12.6 endPointHeader/is64: 1 endPointHeader/agentIp: endPointHeader/deviceName: Jeffreys-MacBook-Pro.local endPointHeader/deviceDomain: severity: endPointHeader/agentVersion: endPointHeader/contentVersion: 42-6337 endPointHeader/protectionStatus: 0 messageData/sha256: 87e27ba9128d9c3b3d113c67623a06817a030b3bbb4d2871d1e6da9002206f26 messageData/type: macho messageData/parentSha256: messageData/lastSeen: 2019-01-31T18:00:43Z messageData/fileName: crashpad_handler messageData/filePath: /users/username/library/google/googlesoftwareupdate/googlesoftwareupdate.bundle/contents/macos/ messageData/fileSize: 353680 messageData/localAnalysisResult: "{""contentVersion"":""42-6337"",""result"":""Benign"",""trusted"":""None"", ""publishers"":[""developer id application: google, inc. (eqhxz8m8av)""],""resultId"":0,""trustedId"":0}" messageData/reported: 0 messageData/blocked: 0 messageData/executionCount: 4179
Field Name | Description |
recordType | Record type associated with the event and that you can use when managing logging quotas. In this case, the record type is analytics which includes hash execution reports from the agent. |
class | Class of Cortex XSIAM log: config, policy, system, and agent_log. |
eventType | Subtype of event. |
eventCategory | Category of event, used internally for processing the flow of logs. Event categories vary by class:
generatedTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which an event was logged. For agent events, this represents the time on the endpoint. For policy, configuration, and system events, this represents the time on Cortex XSIAM in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
serverTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which the server generated the log. If the log was generated on an endpoint, this field identifies the time the server received the log in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
agentTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which an agent logged an event in ISO-8601 string representation. |
tzOffset | Effective endpoint time zone offset from UTC, in minutes. |
facility | The Cortex XSIAM system component that initiated the event, for example: TrapsAgent, TrapsServiceCore, TrapsServiceManagement, and TrapsServiceBackend. |
customerId | The ID that uniquely identifies the Cortex XSIAM tenant instance which received this log record. |
trapsId | Tenant external ID. |
serverHost | Hostname of Cortex XSIAM. |
serverComponentVersion | Software version of Cortex XSIAM. |
regionId | ID of Cortex XSIAM region:
isEndpoint | Indicates whether the event occurred on an endpoint.
agentId | Unique identifier for the Cortex XDR agent. |
osType | Operating system of the endpoint:
isVdi | Indicates whether the endpoint is a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI):
osVersion | Full version number of the operating system running on the endpoint. For example, 6.1.7601.19135. |
is64 | Indicates whether the endpoint is running a 64-bit version of Windows:
agentIp | IP address of the endpoint. |
deviceName | Hostname of the endpoint on which the event was logged. |
deviceDomain | Domain to which the endpoint belongs. |
severity | Syslog severity level associated with the event.
Each event also has an associated Cortex XSIAM severity. See the |
agentVersion | Version of the Cortex XDR agent. |
contentVersion | Content version in the local security policy. |
protectionStatus | Cortex XDR agent protection status:
sha256 | Hash of the file using SHA256 encoding. |
type | Type of file:
parentSha256 | Hash of the parent file using SHA256 encoding. |
lastSeen | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time when the file last ran on an endpoint in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
fileName | File name, without the path or the file type extension. |
filePath | Full path, aligned to the OS format. |
fileSize | Size of the file in bytes. |
localAnalysisResult | This object includes the content version, local analysis module version, verdict result, file signer, and trusted signer result. The trusted signer result is an integer value:
reported | Reporting status of the file, in integer value:
blocked | Blocking status of the file, in integer value:
executionCount | The total number of times a file identified by a specific hash was executed. |
System Logs
Syslog format: recordType, class, FUTURE_USE, subClassId, eventType, eventCategory, generatedTime, serverTime, FUTURE_USE, facility, customerId, trapsId, serverHost, serverComponentVersion, regionId, isEndpoint, agentId, severity, trapsSeverity, messageCode, friendlyName, FUTURE_USE, msgTextEn, userFullName, username, userRole, userDomain, agentTime, tzOffset, osType, isVdi, osVersion, is64, agentIp, deviceName, deviceDomain, agentVersion, contentVersion, protectionStatus, userFullName, username, userRole, userDomain, messageName, messageId, processStatus, errorText, errorData, resultData, parameters, additionalData(Array)
Email body format example:
recordType: system messageData/class: system messageData/subClass: Provisioning messageData/subClassId: 13 eventType: ServerLogPerTenant messageData/eventCategory: tenant generatedTime: 2019-01-31T18:15:19.000000+00:00 serverTime: 2019-01-31T18:15:19.000000+00:00 product: facility: TrapsServerManagement customerId: 004403511 trapsId: 18520498190303952 serverHost: 14917869646-201.proda.brz serverComponentVersion: 2.0.9+624 regionId: isEndpoint: 0 agentId: severity: notice messageData/trapsSeverity: informational messageData/messageCode: 19015 messageData/friendlyName: User Login messageData/msgTextLoc: messageData/msgTextEn: User has logged in with role superadmin endPointHeader/userFullName: endPointHeader/username: endPointHeader/userRole: endPointHeader/userDomain: endPointHeader/agentTime: endPointHeader/tzOffset: endPointHeader/osType: endPointHeader/isVdi: endPointHeader/osVersion: endPointHeader/is64: endPointHeader/agentIp: endPointHeader/deviceName: endPointHeader/deviceDomain: endPointHeader/agentVersion: endPointHeader/contentVersion: endPointHeader/protectionStatus: messageData/userFullName: messageData/username: messageData/userRole: messageData/userDomain: messageData/messageName: messageData/messageId: messageData/processStatus: messageData/errorText: messageData/errorData: messageData/resultData: messageData/parameters: messageData/additionalData: {}
Field Name | Description |
recordType | Record type associated with the event and that you can use when managing logging quotas. In this case, the record type is system which includes logs related to automated system management and agent reporting events. |
class | Class of Cortex XSIAM log. System logs have a value of system. |
subClass | Subclass of event. Used to categorize logs in Cortex XSIAM user interface. |
subClassId | Numeric representation of the subClass field for easy sorting and filtering. |
eventType | Subtype of event. |
eventCategory | Category of event, used internally for processing the flow of logs. Event categories vary by class:
generatedTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which an event was logged. For agent events, this represents the time on the endpoint. For policy, configuration, and system events, this represents the time on Cortex XSIAM in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
serverTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which the server generated the log. If the log was generated on an endpoint, this field identifies the time the server received the log in ISO-8601 string representation (for example, 2017-01-24T09:08:59Z). |
facility | The Cortex XSIAM system component that initiated the event, for example: TrapsAgent, TrapsServiceCore, TrapsServiceManagement, and TrapsServiceBackend. |
customerId | The ID that uniquely identifies the Cortex XSIAM tenant instance which received this log record. |
trapsId | Tenant external ID. |
serverHost | Hostname of Cortex XSIAM. |
serverComponentVersion | Software version of Cortex XSIAM. |
regionId | ID of Cortex XSIAM region:
isEndpoint | Indicates whether the event occurred on an endpoint.
agentId | Unique identifier for the Cortex XDR agent. |
severity | Syslog severity level associated with the event.
Each event also has an associated Cortex XSIAM severity. See the |
trapsSeverity | Severity level associated with the event defined for Cortex XSIAM. Each of these severities corresponds to a syslog severity level:
See also the |
messageCode | System-wide unique message code. |
friendlyName | Descriptive log message name. |
msgTextEn | Description of the event, in English. |
userFullName | Full username of Cortex XSIAM user. |
userName | Username associated with Cortex XSIAM user. |
userRole | Role assigned to Cortex XSIAM user. |
userDomain | Domain to which the user belongs. |
agentTime | Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) equivalent of the time at which an agent logged an event in ISO-8601 string representation. |
tzOffset | Effective endpoint time zone offset from UTC, in minutes. |
osType | Operating system of the endpoint:
isVdi | Indicates whether the endpoint is a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI):
osVersion | Full version number of the operating system running on the endpoint. For example, 6.1.7601.19135. |
is64 | Indicates whether the endpoint is running a 64-bit version of Windows:
agentIp | IP address of the endpoint. |
deviceName | Hostname of the endpoint on which the event was logged. |
deviceDomain | Domain to which the endpoint belongs. |
agentVersion | Version of the Cortex XDR agent. |
contentVersion | Content version in the local security policy. |
protectionStatus | Cortex XDR agent protection status:
userFullName | Full name of Cortex XSIAM user. |
userName | Username associated with Cortex XSIAM user. |
userRole | Role assigned to Cortex XSIAM user. |
userDomain | Domain to which the user belongs. |
messageName | Name of the message. |
messageId | Unique numeric identifier of the message. |
processStatus | State of the process related to the event. |
errorText | If known, a description of the documented error. |
errorData | Parameters related to an event error. |
resultData | Parameters related to a successful event. |
parameters | Parameters supplied in the log message. |
additionalData(Array) | Additional information regarding event parameters. |
loggedInUser | User that is logged in to the Cortex XSIAM. |