Search and Navigate in the Marketplace - Administrator Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM Administrator Guide

Cortex XSIAM
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide

Search the Cortex Marketplace and find free content. Search by use cases, integrations, and categories.

In the Marketplace, you can install, delete, and update content such as playbooks, integrations, and asset types.

You can browse all content (including installed content), or view only installed content packs. When a content pack needs to be updated you receive a notification and can view the updates in the Installed Content Packs tab.

You can use the search bar to search for content by adding text and then selecting the relevant content from the search results.

You can also sort by latest update, best match, recommended, number of downloads, and filter according to the following criteria:

  • Use cases: Filter according to high-level use cases, such as Phishing, Malware, Ransomware, Access, etc.

  • Integrations: Filter according to the integration included in the content pack.

  • Categories: Filter according to content pack categories, such as Messaging, Forensics & Malware Analysis, etc.

  • Published: Whether published by Cortex XSIAM or by Cortex XSIAM technology partners.

  • General




    Created and supported by a user and certified by Cortex XSIAM. Cortex XSIAM has tested the content to ensure that it meets standards and works correctly.

    Uses my integrations

    Content packs that use integrations that you have added instances for (whether or not they are enabled).


    Supported by either Cortex XSIAM or a partner-supported content pack.

  • Content Pack Includes: Filter according to the content of the content pack, such as Automations, Integrations, Playbooks, etc.

  • Tags: Filter according to tags, such as Alerts, Network, Security, etc.

When clicking a content pack you can view detailed information including content that it installs (such as automations, playbooks, asset types, etc.), dependencies (what content packs are required or optional) and version history (including whether you want to roll back to earlier versions).