Content development environments - Developer Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM Developer Guide

Cortex XSIAM
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Developer Guide

Development environments and tools to help develop various content items.

Cortex XSIAM offers several tools for development including an IDE in the UI, a Visual Studio Code extension, and the Demisto SDK Python library.

When creating complex integrations and scripts, we recommend using a full development environment. Options include:

Content developed in the UI

The following content items should be developed from within the Cortex XSIAM UI:

  • Playbooks

  • Alert fields, layouts, and rules

  • Indicator fields, types and layouts

  • Classifiers and Mappers

  • Widgets

  • Dashboards

Once the resource is developed in the Cortex XSIAM UI, you can download it using demisto-sdk download -i "$NAME_OF_RESOURCE" or export it from the UI.

Content developed in Visual Studio Code

For integrations and scripts, when creating content to use within your instance of Cortex XSIAM or for contribution as a community supported content pack, the UI may be sufficient. For more complex development needs, or if you plan on contributing content as a partner supported content pack or a modification to partner supported content, we recommend Visual Studio Code. The Visual Studio Code extension should be installed locally, and can be used with a regular local development environment or GitHub Codespace. It is included by default with the containerized development environment. We also recommend installing Demisto SDK to upload, download, and run code on Cortex XSIAM directly from your operating system shell. Demisto SDK is included by default with the containerized development environment.Demisto SDK Guide


To develop content for contribution as a partner-supported content pack, or to submit modifications to partner-supported content packs, you are required to set up a full development environment.