Cortex XSIAM UI development environment for content development.
Cortex XSIAM offers a built-in IDE platform for script development in the UI under → → .
It is important to familiarize yourself with the Cortex XSIAM IDE as it may work differently than other IDEs. For example, the Cortex XSIAM IDE has no interpreter and Visual Studio Code does.
For more complex development needs, we recommend instead using the Visual Studio Code extension. It simplifies third-party integration and script development by enabling users to author Python content for Cortex XSIAM directly in Visual Studio Code. This is also the most efficient way to develop Python Unit Tests.
Script Helper
The script helper contains commonly used functions to facilitate script development.
To access the script helper, in Cortex XSIAM under → → → .
A list of the common server functions appears.
Script Settings
Clicking the Settings button opens the Script Settings dialog box, which contains configurations for Basic, Arguments, Permissions, Advanced, and Depends on Commands script settings.
For more information about the script settings, see Scripts.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The following are some useful keyboard shortcuts supported in the IDE.