Integrations are stored in the Integrations directory and contain a specific set of files.
Each integration is stored in the Integrations directory with a unique name, and includes the following file types:
. ├── <INTEGRATION-NAME>.py // Integration / automation script Python code. ├── <INTEGRATION-NAME>_test.py // Python unit test code. ├── <INTEGRATION-NAME>.yml // Configuration YAML file. ├── <INTEGRATION-NAME>_image.png // Integration PNG logo (for integrations only). ├── <INTEGRATION-NAME>_description.md // Detailed instructions markdown file (for integrations only) ├── README.md // Integration / automation script documentation.
For example, the Cortex XDR integration is stored in Integrations/CortexXDRIR
and contains the following files:
.Integrations │ └─── .CortexXDRIR │ ├── CortexXDRIR.py │ ├── CortexXDRIR_test.py │ ├── CortexXDRIR.yml │ ├── CortexXDRIR_image.png │ ├── CortexXDRIR_description.md │ ├── README.md