PowerShell integrations and scripts are executed using PowerShell Core. PowerShell Core v6.2 and higher is supported.
Similar to Python, PowerShell integrations and scripts run in a Docker container. All of the Docker images that support PowerShell are named with a prefix of either demisto/powershell
or demisto/pwsh
. If you need to create a new image follow the instructions at demisto/dockerfiles project: https://github.com/demisto/dockerfiles.
Similar to Python, PowerShell integrations and scripts should follow the same directory structure as Python integrations and scripts, with one difference: unit test files must be named: <IntegrationFileName>.Tests.ps1
, following the Pester unit testing naming convention. You can use demisto-sdk split
to convert an exported PowerShell integration or script to the correct directory structure. For more information, see the Demisto SDK.
PSScriptAnalyzer is used for linting and static code analysis of PowerShell integrations and scripts. If you receive a false positive from the Analyzer, you can suppress the rule by decorating the function/script with SuppressMessageAttribute
. Specify a Justification
in the attribute as to why the suppression is necessary. An example usage of suppression can be seen in CommonServerPowerShell.ps1. For more information about PSScriptAnalyzer suppression, see the PSScriptAnalyzer documentation .
The Python unit testing guidelines also apply for PowerShell. Unit tests should avoid performing communication with external APIs and should instead use mocking when possible. Testing actual interaction with external APIs should be performed via Test Playbooks. For running unit tests we use Pester.
Import CommonServerPowerShell.ps1
Your code must import CommonServerPowerShell.ps1
by adding the following to the beginning of the file:
. $PSScriptRoot\CommonServerPowerShell.ps1
When the integration or script code is unified by demisto-sdk for deployment to the instance the import line is automatically removed.
Use Main in integration/script code
When writing unit tests you import the integration or script file from the *.Tests.ps1
file. Therefore, the file must be written so that it will not execute when it is imported. This can be done with a simple Main
function which is called depending on how the file was executed. Adding the following code ensures the script is not run when imported by the unit tests:
# Execute Main when not in Tests if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -notlike "*.Tests.ps1") { Main }
Write unit tests
All unit tests should be written in a separate PowerShell file named <IntegrationFileName>.Tests.ps1
. The unit test file should import the integration or script code file by adding the following line at the beginning of the file:
. $PSScriptRoot\<IntegrationFileName>.ps1
Group related unit tests using the Describe
block. Use Context
for grouping tests that use the same mock logic. Write your tests using the It
command. Example unit tests can be seen for the VerifyJSON script. For more details, see the Pester documentation.
Pester supports mocking PowerShell functions. You can mock any function defined in CommonServerPowerShell.ps1
and functions included in standard PowerShell and imported modules. Pester doesn't support mocking object methods. This includes methods of the $demisto
object. You can, however, modify the $demisto
object properties in a test. For example, you can set the ContextArgs
property to control the return of $demisto.Args()
method. Example code:
$demisto.ContextArgs = @{arg1 = 'val1' }
In addition, you can mock functions called by the $demisto
object. For example, you can mock DemistoServerLog
which is called by the $demisto
object methods: Info, Debug, Error
. Example of mocking can be seen for the VerifyJSON script script. See more information about mocking with Pester.
Run with Docker (demisto-sdk)
The build runs the unit tests within the Docker image that the integration/script runs with. We recommend using this method to run linting and test as it uses the same environment (Docker container) with all modules and operating system dependencies that are used by the integration/script. To run both linting and testing run: demisto-sdk pre-commit -i <path to code directory>
For example: demisto-sdk pre-commit -i Packs/Legacy/Scripts/VerifyJSON
You can skip PSScriptAnalyzer or unit testing using the command line parameters --no-pwsh-analyze
and --no-pwsh-test
PowerShell command line
As a prerequisite, verify you have installed Pester, PSScriptAnalyzer and all dependent modules.
Run demisto-sdk pre-commit -i ...
to copy CommonServerPowerShell.ps1
and demistomock.ps1
to the integration/script directory. Enter the pwsh console and go to the integration/script directory.
To run unit tests use Pester: Invoke-Pester
To run PSScriptAnalyzer: Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path <code file>
Check the command help for information on how to specify which tests to run.
Sample output:
We recommend using VS Code as your PowerShell editor. The PowerShell Extension developed by Microsoft comes with built-in support for PSScriptAnalyzer and Pester unit testing (including debugging).
Sample output of PSScriptAnalyzer in VS Code alerting about an unused variable:
Sample debug session using VS Code: