How to set up an external dev environment to contribute a full integration.
You can write code directly in the UI, but to contribute a full integration, you need a full development environment external to Cortex XSIAM. An external development environment enables linting your code, running unit tests with pytest, creating documentation, submitting your changes via git and more. There are three options for your external development environment, a traditional local environment described below, a GitHub Codespace environment, or a containerized environment.
Setting up the local development environment involves the following steps:
Cortex XSIAM
Deploy Cortex XSIAM. See Setup overview for more details.
Review Before you start and Contribution requirements.Before You Start
Go to GitHub and sign in or sign up for an account.
Make sure Docker is installed on your system and is working correctly by running the hello-world
sb@dddd:~/demisto$ docker run --rm hello-world Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. [... output omitted for brevity ...] For more examples and ideas, visit: sb@dddd:~/demisto$
If you are using Windows with WSL2, you can still use Docker Desktop from WSL. See here for details.
Log in to GitHub, navigate to the Content Repo, and click Fork.
Once the fork is complete, copy the URL.
This is the fork where you will commit your code and, once ready, create the Pull Request to submit your contribution back to the Cortex XSIAM content repository. Do not work on the master or main branch.
In the shell, create a folder (for example, ~/demisto
) and clone your fork of the content repository using git clone [your_fork_url]
, where [your_fork_url]
is the URL you copied from GitHub after forking.
sb@dddd:~$ mkdir demisto sb@dddd:~$ cd demisto sb@dddd:~/demisto$ git clone[omitted]/content.git Cloning into 'content'... remote: Enumerating objects: 108, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (108/108), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (90/90), done. remote: Total 101143 (delta 50), reused 53 (delta 18), pack-reused 101035 Receiving objects: 100% (101143/101143), 110.65 MiB | 11.04 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (73634/73634), done. Checking out files: 100% (4522/4522), done. sb@dddd:~/demisto$
You must clone your fork of the repository, as you will need to be able to write into it. Do not clone demisto/content
, because you won't be able to push commits.
Set up a remote environment
Follow these steps to set up a fully configured remote environment with VS Code Dev Containers.
VS Code
Download and install VS Code.
Install the Remote Development pack.
If you are not familiar with VS Code, follow the VS Code getting started guide.
Follow the instructions hereto install Docker to your operating system.
Windows: Docker Desktop 2.0+ on Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise. Windows 10 Home (2004+) requires Docker Desktop 2.3+ and the WSL 2 back-end.
macOS: Docker Desktop 2.0+.
Linux: Docker CE/EE 18.06+ and Docker Compose 1.21+
For Windows users, we recommend using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) for better performance.
is installed by running:wsl --list --verbose
Verify the installed distribution is running
.To change versions, use the command:
wsl --set-version <distro name> 2
<distro name>
with the name of the Linux distribution that you want to update. For example,wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2
sets your Ubuntu distribution to use WSL 2.
You can clone the terminal and work directly with VS Code. To work with Github in VS Code, follow the instructions here.
Open the repository in VS Code
If you already cloned the repository with VS Code, go directly to open the dev container.
In VS Code, go to File+Open Folder.
Select your GitHub repository.
Open the Dev Container
Click the green button.
Click Reopen in Container.
It may take a few minutes until the Dev container is ready.
Docker performance issues
For Windows, use WSL2.
Update Docker.
Disable Autosave in VS Code.
Since Docker is not native for Mac or Windows, there may be performance issues.
Errors opening the dev container
Update Docker.
Clean up Docker.
docker system prune -a --volumes
Set up a local environment
If you are using Windows with WSL and your code resides in a shared folder on the Windows tree (/mnt/c/code/demisto
), verify the folder is set to be case sensitive.
You need Python 3 installed on your system. We recommend using pyenv
in installed and theeval "$(pyenv init -)"
expression is placed in your shell configuration (~/.bashrc
).sb@dddd:~/demisto$ eval "$(pyenv init -)" sb@dddd:~/demisto$ pyenv -v pyenv 1.2.15 sb@dddd:~/demisto$~/demisto$
See more more details about pyenv installation. Either Homebrew for MacOS or the automatic installer on Linux/WSL work.
If the required version of Python is missing, you need to install it. Because
compiles CPython, you may need some libraries. See more troubleshooting info.For example, install Python 3.10.5.
sb@dddd:~/demisto$ pyenv install 3.10.5 Downloading Python-3.10.5.tar.xz... -> Installing Python-3.10.5... Installed Python-3.10.5 to /home/sb/.pyenv/versions/3.10.5 sb@dddd:~/demisto$ pyenv versions 3.10.5 sb@dddd:~/demisto$
Install Poetry.
Once you set up your development environment, you can activate Poetry with the
poetry shell
command. Include(.venv)
in front of the prompt. Note that the shell command is available in a$ poetry shell (.venv) sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$
You can leave the Poetry virtual environment using the deactivate command:
(.venv) sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ deactivate sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$
Install the nvm package manager.
nvm install node
Pipx is a package that enables you to install and run the Python application globally in an isolated Python environment.
To install Pipx, run the following commands:
pip install --user pipx pipx ensurepath
Demisto SDK is a tool that assists in the contribution process. It helps you to generate a content pack, maintain your files, and validate them before committing to the branch. Install Demisto SDK using the pipx command pipx install demisto-sdk --force
. To verify you have the latest version of the SDK, run: demisto-sdk --version
Before running the bootstrap script that creates the virtual environment, set up pyenv
to work correctly in the content folder you just cloned.
Initially, no local python interpreter has been set via pyenv
sb@dddd:~/demisto$ cd content sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ pyenv local pyenv: no local version configured for this directory
to use the latest version Python 3 you previously installed and verify that everything is set$ pyenv local 3.10.5 sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ pyenv local 3.10.5 sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ which python3 /home/sb/.pyenv/shims/python3 sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ python3 -V Ptyhon 3.10.5
Run the bootstrap script.
The script sets up a pre-commit hook that validates your modified files before committing. It also sets up a Python virtual environment for development with the package requirements for Python3. Run the script from the root directory of the source tree:
. After the script completes, activate the newly created virtual environment:poetry shell
.sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ .hooks/bootstrap Installing 'pre-commit' hooks ======================= Configure poetry to install virtual environment in the project repo (will be available in (.venv) Check if poetry files are valid All set! Installing dependencies... Detected local env. Installing dependencies from lock file No dependencies to install or update ========================== Done setting up virtualenv with poetry Activate the venv by running: poetry shell Deactivate by running: deactivate ======================= Running: npm install ... up to date, audited 230 packages in 1s
If you are using WSL and you see errors about "python.exe" getting called, disable it in the App Execution Alias (see more details).
Cortex XSIAM content ships with a HelloWorld integration that provides basic functionality and is useful to understand how to create integrations.
It's located in the Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld
folder. demisto-sdk
runs the linting and unit testing to verify the dev environment is working (including Python and Docker).
Verify you are running inside the Poetry virtual environment.
sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ poetry shell (.venv) sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$
Run the
demisto-sdk pre-commit
command on thePacks/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld
folder using the-i
option, or if you want to run against all the committed files in your branch you can usedemisto-sdk pre-commit -g
. It will run both the linters and pytest (unit testing).Note
The tests run within a Docker container, so if the tests pass, it means that your development environment is up and running correctly.
(venv) sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ demisto-sdk pre-commit -i Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld Running pre-commit using template /Users/sfainberg/dev/demisto/content/.pre-commit-config_template.yaml Running pre-commit with Python 3.11 on: Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/ Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.yml Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/ Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/HelloWorld_image.png Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/ Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/ Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/command_examples Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/test_data/get_alert.json Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/test_data/incident_note_list_command.json Packs/HelloWorld/Integrations/HelloWorld/test_data/ip_reputation.json DockerHook - Unable to find image Creating image based on - Could take 2-3 minutes at first check json...............................................................Passed check yaml...............................................................Passed check python ast.........................................................Passed check for merge conflicts................................................Passed debug statements (python)................................................Passed python tests naming......................................................Passed check for added large files..............................................Passed check for case conflicts.................................................Passed poetry-check.........................................(no files to check)Skipped pycln....................................................................Passed ruff-py3.11..............................................................Passed autopep8.................................................................Passed mypy-py3.11..............................................................Passed xsoar-lint...............................................................Passed pylint-in-docker-demisto/python3: pytest-in-docker-demisto/python3: validate-deleted-files...................................................Passed validate-content-paths...................................................Passed validate-conf-json...................................(no files to check)Skipped validate.................................................................Passed secrets..................................................................Passed merge-pytest-reports.....................................................Passed coverage-pytest-analyze..................................................Passed
The Git flow requires creating a branch with your new code that you will later use to submit a Pull Request.
To create a branch, use the git checkout -b [branch_name]
command, where the [branch_name]
corresponds to your integration.
(venv) sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ git checkout -b my_integration_name Switched to a new branch 'my_integration_name'
Create a directory under Packs/<Your pack name>
, named after your product where you will put all your content files later, and add it to the staged changes in Git. Use PascalCase in the directory name (for example, MyIntegration). See Content Pack Structure for more information.
You can create a pack and an integration directory using the demisto-sdk init
command. The following is an example of creating a pack called MyNewPack
, with an integration called MyIntegration
, with the metadata file created automatically:
➜ content-docs2 git:(add-pack-and-sdk-docs) ✗ demisto-sdk init --pack Please input the name of the initialized pack: MyNewPack Successfully created the pack test in: MyIntegration Do you want to fill pack's metadata file? Y/N y Display name of the pack: MyNewPack Description of the pack: A description for my newly created pack. Support type of the pack: [1] demisto [2] partner [3] developer [4] community Enter option: 2 Server min version: 5.0.0 Author of the pack: Partner name The url of support, should represent your GitHub account (optional):<PartnerGitAccount> The email in which you can be contacted in: Pack category options: [1] Analytics & SIEM [2] Utilities [3] Messaging [4] Endpoint [5] Network Security [6] Vulnerability Management [7] Case Management [8] Forensics & Malware Analysis [9] IT Services [10] Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence [11] Authentication [12] Database [13] Deception [14] Email Gateway Enter option: 1 Tags of the pack, comma separated values: Created pack metadata at path : MyNewPack/metadata.json Do you want to create an integration in the pack? Y/N y Please input the name of the initialized integration: test Do you want to use the directory name as an ID for the integration? Y/N y Finished creating integration: MyNewPack/Integrations/test.
The last step is to commit your changes and push them to the origin to verify that the pre-commit checks pass.
You can also run the hooks locally using Demisto SDK by running the following commands. See this README for more information about Demisto SDK commands and formats.
demisto-sdk format
- Auto-corrects formatting for the validation to pass.demisto-sdk validate -g
- Validates the integrity of the YAML files, and verifies they follow the pre-set roles.demisto-sdk pre-commit -i <The path to your changed/newly added content entity>
- Runs lint and pytest on the changed Python files.
git commit -m '[some commit message]'
, which automatically runs the pre-validation checks.(venv) sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ git commit -m 'Initial commit of MyIntegration' Validating files... Starting validating files structure Using git Running validation on branch my_integration_name Validates only committed files Starting validation against origin/master The files are valid Starting secrets detection Finished validating secrets, no secrets were found. Skipping running dev tasks (flake8, mypy, pylint, pytest). If you want to run this as part of the precommit hook set CONTENT_PRECOMMIT_RUN_DEV_TASKS=1. You can add the following line to ~/.zshrc: echo "export CONTENT_PRECOMMIT_RUN_DEV_TASKS=1" >> ~/.zshrc Or if you want to manually run dev tasks: ./Tests/scripts/ -d <integration/script dir> Example: ./Tests/scripts/ -d Scripts/ParseEmailFiles On branch my_integration_name Untracked files: .python-version nothing added to commit but untracked files present
Ignore the
file warning, that is generated by pyenv and is not added to the repository.Since there are no files yet in the directory you created (for example,
), it will not show up in your branch after the commit. However, you can verify that all the components are in place.
Push to your branch with the command
git push origin [branch_name]
. You will be prompted for your GitHub credentials.(venv) sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$ git push origin my_integration_name Username for '': [omitted] Password for 'https://[omitted]': Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: remote: Create a pull request for 'my_integration_name' on GitHub by visiting: remote:[omitted]/content/pull/new/my_integration_name remote: To[omitted]/content * [new branch] my_integration_name -> my_integration_name (venv) sb@dddd:~/demisto/content$
Go back to GitHub and under your fork you should be able to see that there is a new branch with the name you provided (for example, my_integration_name).
The development environment for Cortex XSIAM is complete, with a fully configured virtual environment where you can run different validation and utility scripts. You can now start writing your code.