Learn more about activating the Network Mapper to scan your network.
After you have configured and registered your Broker VM, you can choose to activate the Network Mapper application.
The Network Mapper allows you to scan your network to detect and identify unmanaged hosts in your environment according to defined IP address ranges. The Network Mapper configurations are used to locate unmanaged assets that appear in the Assets table. For more information, see Existing Asset Inventory.
→ → → .Do one of the following:
On the Brokers tab, find the Broker VM, and in the APPS column, left-click → .
On the Clusters tab, find the Broker VM, and in the APPS column, left-click → .
In the Activate Network Mapper window, define the following parameters:
Scan Method
Select the either ICMP echo or TCP SYN scan method to identify your network hosts. When selecting TCP SYN you can enter single ports and ranges together, for example
80-83, 443
.Scan Requests per Second
Define the maximum number of scan requests you want to send on your network per second. By default, the number of scan requests are defined as 1000.
Each IP address range can receive multiple scan requests based on it's availability.
Scanning Scheduler
Define when you want to run the network mapper scan. You can select either daily, weekly, or monthly at a specific time.
Scanned Ranges
Select from the list of exiting IP address ranges to scan. Make sure to
after each selection.
IP address ranges are displayed according to what you defined as your Network Parameters.
Activate the applet.
After a successful activation, the APPS field displays Network Mapper with a green dot indicating a successful connection.
In the APPS field, left-click the Network Mapper connection to view the following scan and applet metrics:
Manage the Network Mapper.
After the network mapper has been activated, left-click the Network Mapper connection in the APPS column to display the Network Mapper settings, and select:
Configure to redefine the network mapper configurations.
Scan Now to initiate a scan.
Deactivate to disable the network mapper.