Identity Analytics - Administrator Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM Documentation

Cortex XSIAM
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Administrator Guide

Cortex XSIAM enables you investigate suspicious user activity information using Identity Analytics. When enabled, Identity Analytics aggregates and displays user profile information, activity, and alerts associated with a user-based Analytics type alert and Analytics BIOC rule.

To easily track the alerts and Analytics BIOC rules, Cortex XSIAM displays an Identity Analytics tag in the Alerts table > Alert Name field and Analytics BIOC Rules table > Name field. In the Analytics Alert View, when selecting the User node, Cortex XSIAM details the active directory group, organizational unit, role, logins, hosts, alerts, and process executions associated with the user.

To enable Identity Analytics, you must first:

  • Set Up Could Identity Engine(formally Directory Sync Services (DSS))

  • Activate Cortex XSIAM Analytics

After configuring your Cloud Identity Engine instance and Cortex XSIAM Analytics, select Settings (403822_spr.png)ConfigurationsCortex XSIAM - Analytics, and in the Featured in Analytics section, Enable Identity Analytics.