From the Live Terminal you can monitor processes running on the endpoint. The Task Manager displays the task attributes, owner, and resources used. If you discover an anomalous process while investigating the cause of a security event, you can take immediate action to terminate the process or the whole process tree, and block processes from running.
From the Live Terminal session, open the Task Manager to navigate the active processes on the endpoint.
You can toggle between a sorted list of processes and the default process tree view (
). You can also export the list of processes and process details to a comma-separated values file. If the process is known as malware, the row displays a red indicator and identifies the file using a malware attribute.
Right-click the process to take the following actions:
Terminate process: Terminate the process or the entire process tree.
Suspend process: To stop an attack while investigating the cause, you can suspend a process or process tree without killing it entirely.
Resume process: Resume a suspended process.
Open in VirusTotal: VirusTotal aggregates known malware from antivirus products and online scan engines. You can scan a file using the VirusTotal scan service to check for false positives or verify suspected malware.
Get WildFire verdict: WildFire evaluates the file hash signature to compare it against known threats.
Get file hash: Obtain the SHA256 hash value of the process.
Download Binary: Download the file binary to your local host for further investigation and analysis. You can download files up to 200MB in size.
Mark as Interesting: Add an Interesting tag to a process so that you can easily locate the process in the session report.
Remove from Interesting: If no threats are found, you can remove the Interesting tag.
Copy Value: Copy the cell value to your clipboard.
To end the Live Terminal session, select Disconnect.
Choose whether to save the session report including files and tasks marked as interesting. Administrator actions are not saved to the endpoint.