Manage jobs - Administrator Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM Documentation

Cortex XSIAM
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide

Jobs run playbooks and are either time-triggered (run at specific times) or event triggered (run when there are changes to a feed).

A job is an automated playbook task or set of playbook tasks that are scheduled to run at predefined intervals or under specific conditions. Jobs can be used for data enrichment, periodic reporting, threat intelligence gathering, or any repetitive operational tasks that need to be performed regularly without manual intervention. There are two types of jobs:

  • Time triggered jobs that run at specific times: For example, you can schedule a time triggered job that runs nightly and removes expired indicators.

  • Jobs triggered by a delta or change in a feed: For example, you can define an event triggered job to run a playbook when a specified TIM feed finishes a fetch operation for new indicators.


Only Account Admins and Instance Administrator roles can create jobs and view/edit job runs.

On the Jobs page, you can:



Create a new job

Click + New Job.

Edit an existing job

In the table, select a job and click Edit.

Perform additional job management

In the table, select a job and click one of the following:

  • Run now

  • Disable

  • Enable

  • Pause

  • Resume

  • Abort

  • Delete

View job status

The chart panel at the top of the Jobs page shows various status buttons. Click one of the following buttons to filter the list of jobs for that status:

  • Running

  • Waiting

  • Error

  • Disabled

  • Time Triggered

  • Event Triggered

You can hide this panel by clicking Hide Chart Panel.

Search for a specific job

Enter a search query in the filter field. You can also save a filter.

View job details in the table

By default, the displayed table columns are:

Click settings-wheel.png to change the displayed columns. You can also select to show:

  • Owner

  • ID

  • Trigger

  • Job Schedule: This column shows a human readable description of a cron schedule for a job.

  • Attachments