Use transformers in playbook tasks according to the following considerations.
You can use built-in transformers to define your transformer, they are grouped by category. Before defining a transformer, consider the following.
Transformer considerations
Transformers try to cast the transformed value (and arguments) to the necessary type. Tasks will fail if casting has failed, for example
{“some”: “object”}
To upper case =>Error
.Some transformers are applied on each item of the result. For example,
a, b, c
To upper case =>A, B, C
.Some transformers operate on the entire list. For example,
a, b, c
count =>3
.Some custom transformers are implemented as scripts with the
tag. You can find examples in the playbook automation task description.
Transformer categories and built-in transformers
When adding a transformer, clicking the default To upper case (String) field opens a search window showing the available built-in transformers. They are defined by category as follows.
Transformer category | Description | Built-in transformers |
General | Generic transformers | |
String | String transformers NoteTo make regex case non-sensitive, use the | |
Number | Number transformers | |
Date | Date transformers |