first_value - Administrator Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM Documentation

Cortex XSIAM
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Administrator Guide

Learn more about the Cortex Query Language first_value() navigation function that is used with a windowcomp stage.

windowcomp first_value(<field>) [by <field> [,<field>,...]] sort [asc|desc] <field1> [, [asc|desc] <field2>,...] [between 0|null|<number>|-<number> [and 0|null|<number>|-<number>] [frame_type=range]] [as <alias>]

The first_value() function is a navigation function that is used in combination with a windowcomp stage. This function is used to return a single value of a field for the first row of each row in the group of rows in the current window frame, for all records that contain matching values for the fields identified using a combination of the by clause, sort (mandatory), and between window frame clause.


Return the first IP address a user authenticated from successfully.

preset = authentication_story
| filter auth_identity not in (null, """""") and auth_outcome = """SUCCESS""" and action_country != UNKNOWN
| alter et = to_epoch(_time), t = _time
| bin t span = 1d
| limit 100
| windowcomp first_value(action_local_ip) by auth_identity, t sort asc et between null and null as first_action_local_ip
| fields auth_identity , *action_local_ip