Add a Widget to a Dashboard - Administrator Guide - 6.10 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Add a widget to an existing or new dashboard in Cortex XSOAR. Edit widget parameters including date range.

You can add a widget to an existing or a new dashboard.

  1. Create or edit a dashboard.

  2. In the Widgets Library section, search for the widget you want to add and click Add.

  3. To edit the widget, select the Settings wheelEdit Widget.

  4. To edit the widget follow the procedure in Create a Widget using the Widget Builder.

    When editing a widget after adding it to a dashboard, the changes apply only to the widget in that specific dashboard. To make changes to a widget and have the changes apply to other dashboards and reports and be available to all users, edit the widget directly in the Widget Library on the left, before adding to a dashboard or report.

  5. Click Save.

    By default, a widget inherits the date range that you specify when creating the widget. If the date range for the report or dashboard does not include the widget date range, the data is blank. To change the widget’s date range, click the gear icon and select Use Widget’s date range or Use Dashboard’s date range. By default, the dashboard’s date range is used and the option in the dropdown shows as Use Widget’s date range. If you change this to use the widget’s date range, the dropdown then shows the option to Use Dashboard’s date range.