Dashboard Overview - Administrator Guide - 6.10 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR dashboards provide visual data from customizable widgets. Create, edit, import, share and delete Cortex XSOAR dashboards.

The dashboard consists of visualized data powered by fully customizable widgets, which enables you to analyze data from inside or outside Cortex XSOAR, in different formats such as graphs, pie charts, or text. For more information about widgets, see Widgets Overview.

When you first install Cortex XSOAR, the following dashboard tabs are created:



My Dashboard

A personalized dashboard relating to your incidents, tasks, etc.

My Threat Landscape

Information about malicious/suspicious indicators in incidents, top 10 indicators in related incidents, Unit 42 feed (if enabled).

System Health

Information relating to the Cortex XSOAR Server.


Information relating to your Service Level Agreements.

Troubleshooting Playbooks

Information relating to playbook run and execution errors.


Information relating to incidents, such as severity type, active incidents, unassigned incidents, etc.

API Execution Metrics

Information about API calls. You can use the API Execution Metrics for Enrichment Command widget for troubleshooting and to make decisions about indicator enrichment.

Cost Optimization Playbooks

Information about playbooks including task executions, average runtime, etc.

Troubleshooting Instances

Information about integration instance errors.

Threat Intelligence Feeds

Information about TIM feeds that are being ingested into Cortex XSOAR.

Cost Optimization Instances

Information about commands that have been executed in Cortex XSOAR.


Information about MITRE ATT&CK techniques. Part of the MITRE ATT&CK content pack.


You can add this to your dashboard when clicking Add dashboard.

Threat Intel Management

Information about active indicators by reputation, type, expired indicators, etc.


You can add this to your dashboard when clicking Add dashboard.

VirusTotal API Execution Metrics

Information about VirusTotal API commands. Part of the VirusTotal content pack.


You can add this to your dashboard when clicking Add dashboard.

If you install a content pack which contain dashboards, these can be added when creating a new dashboard. To change the order of the dashboards, click next to the relevant dashboard, and then drag and drop the dashboard into the required location.

Dashboard Options

In every dashboard, you can set the date range from which to return data and the refresh rate. In the DASHBOARDS tab, you can do the following:

  • Filter Data for all widgets

    You can filter dashboard data by either typing the query in the query bar, or in the relevant widget, by clicking Filter In. When clicking Filter In the query is added to the query bar. To filter out, delete the query. For example, if you only want to see Cortex XDR incidents that are critical, in the Incident Severity by Type widget, hover over the Cortex XDR incident and click Filter In.


    In the Active Incidents by Severity widget, hover over Critical and click Filter In. The dashboard only shows active critical incidents relating to Cortex XDR.


    To remove the filter, delete the query.


    If you want to see more information about the data, click the data to take you to the relevant page. For example, in the Active Incidents by Severity widget, to see only critical incidents, click Critical. This takes you to the Incident page, where you can see all the active critical incidents.

    After you have created the filter, you can send the URL of the filtered dashboard to other users.

  • Change Color of Items in Widgets: You can change the color of items (such as indicator types, incident types, etc.) in some widgets, depending on the widget type and the chart/graph type. While viewing a dashboard, hover over the relevant legend item, click the ellipses, and select Edit color. For example, you can change the display color for the Phishing incident type within the Active Incidents widget. Changes you make to a widget while viewing or editing a dashboard only apply to the widget in that dashboard. To make changes that apply every time you use the widget in a report or dashboard, edit the widget directly in the Widgets Library.

  • Copy the value: While viewing a dashboard, you can click on the ellipses next to an item in the legend and select Copy value. This enables you to copy the value from the widget for commands in the War Room, etc.

  • Create a Dashboard

  • Edit a Dashboard

  • Import and export a dashboard, which is useful in a test and production environment.

    The dashboard is exported as a JSON file. You can make any changes you require and then import the file.

  • Add default dashboards

    In a production environment, an administrator defines the default dashboards for each user, which is dependent on a user’s role. If a user has not modified their dashboard, these dashboards are added automatically, otherwise users can add these dashboards to their existing dashboards. These default dashboards can be removed but not deleted, and can be added again if required.

  • Share a Dashboard

  • Duplicate, delete or remove (if shared) a dashboard.

  • Create a report

    You can generate a report from the dashboard as is, or add new widgets as required. You can set the format, when to run, orientation, etc. To run the report, click Run Now. The Report is generated and it also appears in the Reports tab, which can be run again. For more information about creating reports, see Create a Report.