Install the Server for a Single Server Deployment - Administrator Guide - 6.10 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Last date published
Administrator Guide

Installation instructions and requirements for standard Cortex XSOAR single server deployments, with the app server and database server on the same machine.

In a standard Cortex XSOAR deployment, the app server and database server are installed on the same machine.

If you are deploying a signed installer:

  • You need to import the public key to the operating system. The public key is valid for six months.

  • If you are using engines or hosts in a multi-tenant environment, you need to install makeself.

Installation File Structure

This is the file and folder structure in a standard Cortex XSOAR installation.

By default, the .sh file is in /home/<user-name>. The .sh file installs the demistoserver_xxxxx.amd64.deb file in the /usr/local/demisto folder. You can change the default folder, if necessary.










/etc/demisto.conf (not created if defaults are selected during installation)



Install Log


If you want to create different mounts for the /var/lib/demisto, /var/lib/docker, and /tmp partitions, it is recommended to allocate the following space to each partition (dependent on the expected amount of data, and the size of your incidents and indicators).

  • /var/lib/demisto: 200 GB (development) 1000 GB (production)

    If using Elasticsearch, see Elasticsearch System Requirements.

  • If using Docker - /var/lib/docker: 70 GB (development) 150 GB (production)

  • If using Podman - /home: 70 GB (development) 150 GB (production)

  • /tmp: 10 GB (development and production)


Verify the following information and requirements before you install Cortex XSOAR.

  1. Download Cortex XSOAR from the link that you received from Cortex XSOAR Support by running the following command.

    wget -O “ <downloadLink>


    When you receive a link to download, ensure that the downloadLink link refers to and not

    For example, wget -O “”

    To download the latest vendor affirmed FIPS version, append &downloadName=fips. For example, wget -O “”

  2. (Optional) If you are deploying Cortex XSOAR using a signed installer (GPG), you need to import the GPG public key that was provided with the signed installer.

    For example, you can use the rpm --import public.key command to import the public key into the local GPG keyring. Note that each operating system has specific requirements.

  3. (Optional) If you are deploying Cortex XSOAR using a signed installer (GPG) you might need to manually install the makeself package by running the yum install makeself command.

  4. Run the chmod +x command to convert the .sh file to an executable file.

  5. Execute the .sh file, by running the following command.

    sudo ./

  6. Accept the EULA and add the information when prompted.

    1. The Server HTTPS port (default is 443)

    2. If you are using Elasticsearch, enter the Elasticsearch details, such as the URL, timeout, etc.

    3. Type the name of the Admin user (default is admin).

    4. Type the password (default is admin).

  7. ( Optional) After the installation has completed, do the following:

    1. Confirm that the Cortex XSOAR server status is active, by running the systemctl status demisto command.

      If the server is not active, run the systemctl start demisto command to start the server.

    2. Confirm that the Docker service status is active, by running the systemctl status docker command.

    3. In a web browser, go to the https://serverURL:port to verify that Cortex XSOAR was successfully installed.

      When you open Cortex XSOAR for the first time you need to add the license.


In some cases, due to moving previous installation files, the installation can fail and the following error message is displayed:

mv: cannot stat '/var/lib/dpkg/info/demistoserver.postrm': No such file or directory Failed to execute: 'mv': exit status 1

There are two options to resolve this issue:

  • Make a note of the path to the demistoserver.postrm file. Rerun the installation using this path for the -- -prev-uninstall-script flag. Example: -- -prev-uninstall-script="/path/to/demistoserver.postrm"

  • Rerun the installation with the flag -- -use-prev-uninstall-script=true. Note that if you use this flag and have previously created a special ID & group for demisto users, the demisto user and group are deleted and recreated during installation.