Server configurations for reports.
Key | Description | Default |
| Enables you to select and customize sections to export from the legacy summary page. For more information, see Select and Customize Sections to Export to a Summary Report. |
| Enables you to retain the JSON file when creating a report for troubleshooting. For more information, see Troubleshoot Reports. |
| Changes the email body of a scheduled report. For more information, see Customize the Email When Sending a Report. |
| Changes the body HTML of the email. For more information, see Customize the Email When Sending a Report. |
| Changes the subject of the email. For more information, see Customize the Email When Sending a Report. |
| Add your own logo <the base64 image or URL for your own logo>. Used with | N/a |
| Enables you to add your own logo to a report (false). For more information, see Change the Report Logo. |
| Configures the time/date for widgets in a report. For more information, see Configure the Time Zone and Format in a Report. | Local time/location |
| Configure the timezone for widgets in a report. For more information, see Configure the Time Zone and Format in a Report. | Local time/Location |
| If generating a report that includes a widget running a script, change the script timeout in minutes (for troubleshooting). For more information, see Troubleshoot Script Timeout for Reports. |