Create a Threat Intel Report - Threat Intel Management Guide - 6.10 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Threat Intel Management Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Threat Intel Management Guide

Create a threat intel report from a type/layout.

You can create a threat intel report by choosing a type and defining other basic report information. To customize the threat Intel report such as creating new types, layouts, etc., see Threat Intel Reports Customization.

Before you create a report, make sure you set up threat intel report types to ensure that your type is defined correctly. The creation process generates a blank report based on the type you choose. Once created, you need to edit the report to populate it with relevant content before you Generate a Threat Intel Report.

The core of the report is the Report Body, which is used to enter freeform text. After report creation, you can edit any predefined template text in this section and replace it with your own content. Using the Markdown Editor, you can apply rich formatting options to the body text, including text sizing, coloring, formatting, pictures/icons, and section headers.

  1. Go to Threat IntelThreat Intel Reports

  2. Create a New Threat Intel Report from the button at the top right.

  3. In the Report Details section, enter a Name and Type, and configure any other relevant fields.

  4. In the Permissions section, assign Roles that you want to grant read/write access to the report.


    If you don’t assign any roles to a report, all roles will have read/write access for the report.

  5. Create the report.

    The report is displayed.

  6. From the Summary tab, you can edit report fields as needed and add any information pertaining to the specific report.