Create a Mapper - Administrator Guide - 6.12 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Create independent mappers for your integrations in Cortex XSOAR. Create new mapper and apply to an integration.

Mappers enable you to map the information from incoming events to the incident or indicator layouts that you have in your system.

Mapping event attributes or indicator fields now takes place in two stages. At first, you map all of the fields that are common to all incident or indicator types in the default mapping. After that, you can map the additional fields that are specific for each incident or indicator type, or overwrite the mapping that you used in the default mapping.


In the Classification & Mapping screen, the mappings do not indicate for which incident types they are configured. Therefore, when creating a mapper, it is best practice to add to the mapper name the incident types the mapper is for. For example, Mail Listener - Phishing.


When mapping a list, we recommend you map to a multi select field. Short text fields do not support lists. If you do need to map a list to a short text field, add a transformer in the relevant playbook task, to split the data back into a list.

Be aware that the following out-of-the-box fields are entirely controlled by Cortex XSOAR, and therefore cannot be mapped:


Source Instance


DBot Status


DBot Created

DBot Closed


DBot Modified

DBot Total Time

Close Reason

Close User

Close Notes



Run Status

Dropped Count

Linked Count

Feed Based


You can also configure mappers for indicators, by going to SettingsOBJECTS SETUPIndicatorsClassification & Mapping.

  1. Go to SettingsOBJECTS SETUPIncidentsClassification & Mapping.

  2. Click New and select the mapper that you want to create.

    • Incident Mapper (Incoming) - maps all of the fields you are pulling from the integrations to the incident fields in your layouts

    • Incident Mapper (Outgoing) - maps fields from Cortex XSOAR to the fields in the integration to which you are pushing the data. This is useful for mirroring.

    • Indicator Mapping (Incoming) - maps all of the indicator fields to their indicator layout.


    For indicators ingested with a Feed Integration, indicator classification and mapping is done in the integration code and not in the Cortex XSOAR Settings > OBJECTS SETUP > Indicators > Classification & Mapping tab. For example, see the FeedUnit42v2 integration.

  3. Under Get data, select from where you want to pull the information based on which you will map the incident types.

    • Pull from instance - select an existing integration instance.

      Select schema - when supported by the integration, this will pull all of the fields for the integration from the database. This enables you to see all of the fields for each given event type that the integration supports.

    • Upload JSON - upload a formatted JSON file which includes the field you want to map.

  4. Under Incident Type, start by mapping out the Default Mapping. This mapping includes the fields that are common to all of the incident types and will save you time having to define these fields individually in each incident type.

  5. Click the event attribute to which you want to map. You can further manipulate the field using filters and transformers.

    You can click Auto Mapto automatically map fields with common or similar names to fields in Cortex XSOAR. For example, Severity to Importance or Description to Description.

  6. Repeat this process for the other incident types for which this mapping is relevant.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Go to SettingsIntegrationsInstances.

    1. Select the integration to which you want to apply the mapper.

    2. In the integration settings, under Mapper, select the classifier you created and click Done.