Block and Unblock a Tenant - Multi-Tenant Guide - 6.12 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Multi-Tenant Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Multi-Tenant Guide

Block or unblock a tenant (account) at the proxy level for Cortex XSOAR multi-tenant deployment. Troubleshoot tenant performance issues.

In the ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT tab, when clicking on the cog wheel next to the tenant, you can block the tenant’s account.

When you block an account, it blocks the account at proxy level (from the main server) but you can still access the tenant account via the port. You can take various actions such as edit, stop, delete, and unblock the account in the ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT tab. The account process still runs.

A typical use case for blocking an account is when a tenant experiences an issue that affects the rest of the system. For example, if a tenant is operating at suboptimal speed and efficiency due to an indexing issue, you can block the tenant so that the rest of the system is unaffected and continues to run as expected. After you block a tenant, you can still access it via the port, fix the problem, and then unblock the tenant.

Alternatively, you can Stop and Start a Tenant account without deleting it from the database. You cannot access the account via the port, when the account is stopped. You can take various actions such as edit, start and delete the account in the ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT tab. If you no longer require the account, you can delete the account from the database.