Create a Used Percentage Widget for a Disk Partition - Administrator Guide - 6.5 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Add server configuration and create new dashboard for used percentage widget for a disk partition in Cortex XSOAR.

In the System Health tab, by default you can view the used percentage widget for the whole disk. If you want to create a usage percentage widget for a disk partition, you need to add a server configuration and then create a new dashboard.

  1. Add the partition path to the Server configuration.

    1. Select SettingsAboutTroubleshootingAdd Server Configuration.

    2. Add the following key and value:



      Path and name of the partition. For example, if your disk partition is “/run”, add this value.

      Wait a few minutes for the system to update.

  2. Export the System Health dashboard.

    1. Go to HomeDASHBOARDSSystem Health.

    2. Click gear.png and then click Export.

      The dashboard file downloads.

  3. Update the dashboard file you downloaded in Step 2.b.

    1. Open the file, search for "query": "disk.usedPercent", and add the following disk partition:

      "query": "disk.usedPercent./<name of partition>",

      For example, to add, /run, change the parameter to "query": "disk.usedPercent./run”,

    2. Save the file as a YAML file.

  4. Import the file.

    1. In the DASHBOARDS tab, click gear.png and then click Import.

    2. Select the file and click Open.

      The Disk Used Percentage widget for the disk partition appears in the new dashboard. It may take a short while for the widget to update.