Restore an Archived Folder - Administrator Guide - EoL - 6.5 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide
End of Life > EoL

Restore an archived folder in Cortex XSOAR from data archives and condensed folders.

Follow these steps to restore a folder that was previously archived.


You may not be able to restore folders archived from a different Cortex XSOAR version due to database changes between the versions.

  1. Stop the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.

    • systemctl stop demisto

    • sudo service demisto stop

  2. Navigate to the /var/lib/demisto filepath using the following command.

    cd /var/lib/demisto

    (Multi-tenant) - For multi-tenant deployments, go to /var/lib/demisto/tenants/acc_{TENANT_NAME}.

  3. Create a directory named archive using the following command.

    mkdir archive

  4. Restore the folder using the following command, where folderName is the name of the folder to restore.

    tar -C folderName -xvzf archive

  5. Move the idx data back to the original demistoidx folder using the following command.

    mv archive/*2017 data/demistoidx

  6. Move the partitions back to the original partitionsData folder using the following command.

    mv archive/*2017.db data/partitionsData

  7. Start the Cortex XSOAR service using the appropriate command for your OS.

    • systemctl start demisto

    • sudo service demisto start