SAML settings for using Okta with Cortex XSOAR.
The following tables describes the SAML settings for Okta.
General Parameters
Parameter | Value |
Single sign on URL | https:// |
Audience URI (SP Entity ID) | https:// |
Default RelayState | Keep this field empty. |
Name ID format | EmailAddress. The Cortex XSOAR username is the user's email address, as defined in Okta. |
Application username | Okta username. |
Update application user name on | Create and update |
Attribute Statement Parameters
Name | Name Format | Value |
FirstName | Unspecified | user.firstName |
LastName | Unspecified | user.lastName |
Unspecified | | |
login | Unspecified | user.login |
Phone | Unspecified | user.primaryPhone |
Group Attribute Statement parameters
Name | Name format | Filter | Name of group |
memberOf | Unspecified | Equals | Name of the group you have created. |
The Group Attribute Statement parameters define which groups to associate with Cortex XSOAR and which groups are to be mapped to Cortex XSOAR roles. In this example, add a group called Everyone.
If you are using memberOf as a group attribute statement, ensure not to use the memberOf as an attribute statement. You cannot have both single user and group user attributes.