Common use cases for Cortex XSOAR, including analytics and SIEM, authentication, case management, data enrichment, threat intelligence, and forensics and malware.
This section includes common use cases for different Cortex XSOAR integrations. While this list is not meant to be exhaustive, it's a good starting point for you to understand what use cases could be supported by your integration.
Analytics and SIEM
Top Use Cases:
Fetch Incidents with relevant filters
Create, close and delete incidents/events/cases
Update Incidents - Update status, assignees, Severity, SLA, etc.
Get events related to an incident/case for enrichment/investigation purposes
Query SIEM (consider aggregating logs)
This will normally include the Fetch Incidents possibility for the instance. It can also include list-incidents or get-incident as integration commands, or important information for an Event/Incident.
Analytics & SIEM Integration Example: ArcSight ESM
Top Use Cases:
Use credentials from the authentication vault in order to configure instances in Cortex XSOAR. (Save credentials in:
→ → .) The integration should include theisFetchCredentials
parameter, and other integrations that will use credentials from the vault, should have the Switch to credentials option.Lock/Delete Account – Use an integration to lock/unlock a third-party account.
Reset Account - Perform a reset password command for a third-party account
Lock an external credentials vault - in case of emergency (if the vault has been compromised), allow the option to lock/unlock the entire vault via an integration.
Step-Up authentication - Enforce Multi Factor Authentication for an account.
Authentication Integration Example: CyberArk AIM
Case Management
Top Use Cases:
Create, get, edit, close a ticket/issue, add + view comments
Assign a ticket/issue to a specified user
List all tickets, filter by name, date, assignee
Get details about a managed object, update, create, delete
Add and manage users
Case Management/Ticketing Integration Example: ServiceNow
Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence
Top Use Cases:
Enriching information about different IOC types: Upload object for scan and get the scan results. (If there’s a possibility to upload private/public, the default should be set to private.) Search for former scan results about an object. (This way you can get information about a sample without uploading it yourself.) Enrich information and scoring for the object.
Add/Search for indicators in the system
Add indicators to the exclusion list
Calculate DBot Score for indicators
Data Enrichment & Threat Intelligence Integration Example: VirusTotal
Email Gateway
Top Use Cases:
Get message – Download the email itself, retrieve metadata, body
Download attachments for a given message
Manage senders – Block/ Allow specified mail senders
Manage URLs – Block/ Allow the sending of specified URLs
Encode/ Decode URLs in messages
Release a held message (The gateway can place suspicious messages on hold, and sometimes they would need to be released to the receiver.)
Email Gateway Integration Example: MimeCast
Top Use Cases:
Fetch Incidents & Events
Get event details (from specified incident)
Quarantine File
Isolate and contain endpoints
Update Indicators (Network, hashes, etc.) by policy (can be block, monitor) – deny list
Add indicators to the exclusion list
Search for indicators in the system (Seen indicators and related incidents/events)
Download file (based on hash, path)
Trigger scans on specified hosts
Update .DAT files for signatures and compare existing .DAT file to the newest one on the server
Get information for a specified host (OS, users, addresses, hostname)
Get policy information and assign policies to endpoints
Endpoint Integration Examples: Cortex XDR, Tanium and Carbon Black Protection
Forensics and Malware Analysis
Top Use Cases:
Submit a file and get a report (detonation)
Submit a URL and get a report (detonation)
Search for past analysis (input being a hash/URL)
Retrieve a PCAP file
Retrieve screenshots taken during analysis
Sandbox Integration Example: Cuckoo Sandbox
Network Security (Firewall)
Top Use Cases:
Create block/accept policies (Source, Destination, Port), for IP addresses and domains
Add addresses and ports (services) to predefined groups, create groups, etc.
Support custom URL categories
Fetch network logs for a specific address for a configurable time frame
URL filtering categorization change request
Built-in blocked rule command for fast-blocking
If there is a Management FW, allow the option to manage policy rules through it
Network Security Firewall Integration Example: Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS
Network Security (IDS/IPS)
Top Use Cases:
Get/Fetch alerts
Get PCAP file, packet
Get network logs filtered by time range, IP addresses, ports, etc.
Create/manage/delete policies and rules
Update signatures from an online source / upload + Get last signature update information
Install policy (if existing)
Network Security (IPS/IDS) Integration Example: Protectwise
Vulnerability Management
Top Use Cases:
Enrich asset – get vulnerability information for an asset (or a group of assets) in the organization
Generate/Trigger a scan on specified assets
Get a scan report including vulnerability information for a specified scan and export it
Get details for a specified vulnerability
Scan assets for a specific vulnerability
Vulnerability Management Integration Example: