Create Duo Groups for Cortex XSOAR Users - Administrator Guide - 6.9 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Create Duo users and groups in the Duo application, to use Duo to authenticate Cortex XSOAR users.

To authenticate Cortex XSOAR users with Duo, you need to have at least one Duo group of Cortex XSOAR users. You can import a CSV file with a list of users, manually create users in the Duo application, or add your existing Duo users to a group.

There are two common methods for grouping and mapping users:

  • Create a single Duo group for all users. For example, Cortex All Users.

  • Create a Duo group for each business unit. For example, Cortex XSOAR IT, Cortex XSOAR Analysts, Cortex XSOAR Admins.

  1. Log in to Duo and click Groups.

  2. Select Add Group.

  3. Type a name and description for the group.

    The name and description should enable you to easily identify the users of that group.

  4. Click Add Group.

  5. Leave the Status as Active and click Save Changes.

  6. Select +Add Users to Group and select the users you want to add to the group.

    If you import a CSV file with your users, you can specify the group name(s) in the CSV file. If you import a CSV file before creating a group in Duo and the CSV file contains group name(s), the group(s) will be created automatically in Duo.

  7. Define the Duo application to authenticate Cortex XSOAR.