Host Names, DNS, and Disaster Recovery - Administrator Guide - 6.9 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Unique host names and DNS considerations for disaster recovery for Cortex XSOAR.

Consider the following about host names, DNS and DR:

  • When configuring Live Backup, each Cortex XSOAR server should have its own unique host name and IP address.

  • You may require for analysts to always navigate to the same host name when accessing Cortex XSOAR. In this scenario, configure a separate DNS record which points to the active Cortex XSOAR server. In the event of a server failover, you are required to manually repoint this DNS record to the IP of the newly-active Cortex XSOAR server.

  • It is critical that the TTL of the DNS record be set to a zero value. If it is higher, analysts are not able to access the active server using the shared host name until the TTL of the record expires and the DNS record is refreshed in the cache. This could take more than an hour.

  • If you do not require a single URL to access Cortex XSOAR, when a server failover occurs, you might point your browser to the URL of the newly-active Cortex XSOAR server.