Install a Signed Engine - Administrator Guide - 6.9 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Install a signed engine for systems that require a signed RPM file. Cortex XSOAR secure engine.

Some systems require a signed RPM file for installation. If you need a signed RPM file for installing an engine, you need to download the engine file from the download server.

When you download Cortex XSOAR for the first time, you are sent a link to the download server. You can update the link to include a signed engine file and a public certificate key.

After you download and install the signed engine, you need to create an engine (a configuration file only) in the Cortex XSOAR server. In the engine environment, you need to replace the d1.conf file with the configuration file created in the Cortex XSOAR server.


If you do not need a signed engine, follow the procedure in Install a Cortex XSOAR Engine.

  1. Copy the Cortex XSOAR build number by going to SettingsABOUTVersion (under Build).

  2. Download the signed engine file by running the following command.

    wget --content-disposition ‘<download link>

    Use the original URL that was sent to you when installing Cortex XSOAR, by adding downloadName=<version><build-number>_signed_engine_rpm at the end of the URL. For example:

    wget --content-disposition ''

    Use the build number copied in step 1.

    The signed engine file downloads and you should receive the following confirmation message similar to the following:

    ‘signed_d1_d1_signed-6.12.0_493375-1.x86_64.rpm’ saved

  3. Download the signed public key, by adding downloadName=signed_public_key to the same URL as step 2.

    For example, wget --content-disposition ‘’

    The signed public key file downloads and you should receive the following confirmation message similar to the following:

    ‘sign_public.key’ saved

  4. (Ubuntu/DEB) Install the alien command.

    • sudo apt-get update

    • sudo apt-get -y install alien

  5. Import the signed public key to the local signed engine.

    For example, run the sudo rpm --import sign_public.key.

  6. (Optional) If you encounter errors, you may need to manually install the makeself package. For example, to install makeself, run the sudo yum install makeself command.

    You may need to install the Fedora EPEL Repository before installing makeself.

  7. Install the signed RPM file on the machine where you want to install the engine, by running the following command.

    sudo rpm -i <file-name>.rpm

    For example, sudo rpm -i signed_d1_d1_signed-6.12_493375-1.x86_64.rpm

    (Ubuntu/DEB) Run the alien command. For example, sudo alien -i signed_d1_d1_signed-6.12_493375-1.x86_64.rpm --scripts

  8. In Cortex XSOAR, create a configuration file.

    1. Select SettingsEnginesCreate New Engine.

    2. Type a meaningful name for the engine.

      The name does not have to match the engine you installed in step 7.

    3. In the Installer type field, select Configuration.

    4. Click Create New Engine.

  9. In the machine you installed the signed RPM file, replace the file /usr/local/demisto/d1.conf file with the file you created in step 8.

  10. Start the engine by running the following command:

    sudo systemctl start d1

    (Ubuntu/DEB) sudo service d1 restart