Server configurations for playbooks.
Key | Description | Default |
| Changes the automatic termination of debugger sessions (in minutes). Can be used for debugger troubleshooting. |
| Comma separated playbook names to unlock. | N/a |
| Whether to allow the Do Not Use By Default checkbox to affect playbooks. By default the Cortex XSOAR playbook does not take Do not use by default into account (only for CLI Commands). For example, if you have 3 mail sender instances, 2 of them are set to not use by default, when running the playbook without specifying an instance, it sends with all 3 instances. After you set this configuration to |
| N/a | |
| Customizes an Ask Task. Add HTML with your customizations as the value. | N/a |
| Determines how many times the script attempts to run before generating an error in a playbook task. |
| Determines the wait time (in seconds) between each execution of the script in a playbook task. |
| The maximum time in hours a debugger session can remain open. Can be used for debugger troubleshooting. |
| Sets the maximum times playbook loop will iterate, until it stops. |
| Notifies users when Playbooks fail (comma-separated-user names). | N/a |
| Customizes the SOC name in the survey header for an Ask task. For more information, see Customize the SOC Name. | N/a |
| Changes the number of workers, when using the Playbook debugger. Can be used in debugger troubleshooting. |
| Prevents repeated task checks in playbooks. Do not change to true unless instructed to do so by Customer Support. |
| When setting up communication task authentication with Active Directory, if you see the error message could not find a provider to authenticate with, add this server configuration. The value is the name of your Active Directory instance. | N/a |