User Invitations - Administrator Guide - 6.9 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Last date published
Administrator Guide

Overview of user invitations in Cortex XSOAR. Create new users, set roles, and invite users. Add external host name if needed.

Before inviting users to your Cortex XSOAR environment, you need to add an email integration instance, such as EWS, Gmail, EWS, Mail Sender, and so on.

After adding an email integration instance, you can send emails to a user's email address. You must add their role and choose whether to invite them to a specific incident.

After you Invite a User, an invitation is valid for one week from the time it was sent. If it is not accepted, the invitation expires, unless the invite expiration is reset. Once users accept the invite, they have access and permission within Cortex XSOAR, according to the roles you assign them.

If you need to connect to an external host name, add the External Host Name in the Server Configuration section in the Troubleshooting page, otherwise the URL invite may not be valid.

In the Invites tab, you can see details of all the sent invitations including the invite URL and whether they have been accepted.

You can also take the following actions:



Delete the invite

If the user has not accepted the invitation you can delete the invite and the user cannot use this invitation to join the Cortex XSOAR environment.

Resend the invite

The user receives another invitation. The expiration date extends for another week.

Reset the expiration

The expiration for the selected invitation is extended for one more week.