Close an Investigation - Python Development Quick Start Guide - 6.x - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Python Development Quick Start Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Python Development Quick Start Guide

At the end of an investigation, you may need to take certain steps before closing it.

This example creates an automation with two mandatory arguments, reason and notes for closing an open investigation.  The reason argument is a list of the four standard investigation close reasons used in Cortex XSOAR: Resolved, False Positive, Duplicate, and Other. 


For list options, no spaces are allowed.

  1. Create an automation and use the Settings button to add the mandatory arguments  reason and notes.

  2. Use the basic automation template to create the following code.

    Since there are two arguments, return the entire arguments dictionary in a single call with args = demisto.args().

    Compare the reason argument and look up the proper value from a close reason dictionary.

    Replace all spaces in the reason argument and test if it exists in the map.  If not, raise an exception, otherwise retrieve the notes argument.  The investigation ID is needed for the close investigation command and is found with the demisto.incident() function that returns the incident fields as a dictionary.  Only the investigation id is required to close an investigation.

    To close the investigation, the demisto.executeCommand() function is called with the closeInvestigation command and the options passed as a dictionary.

    closeMap = {
    	'Resolved': 	"Resolved",
    	'FalsePositive':"False Positive",
    	'Duplicate': 	"Duplicate",
    	'Other': 		"Other"
    def main():
    		args = demisto.args()
    		closeReason = args['reason'].replace(" ", "")
    		if closeReason in closeMap:
    			closeNotes	= args['notes']
    			id    	= demisto.incident()['id']
    			demisto.executeCommand("closeInvestigation", {
    				'id': 		id,
    				'closeReason': 	closeMap[closeReason],
    				'closeNotes': 	closeNotes
    			raise Exception("Invalid close reason = " + 
    	except Exception as ex:
    		return_error("Failed to close investigation: " +
    if __name__ in ("__main__", "__builtin__", "builtins"):
  3. Save the completed automation and run it in the War Room of an open incident to test it.