Add, drain, remove, taint, or uncordon a node in a cluster under the Cluster Administration textual UI menu item.
If you deployed your Cortex XSOAR environment starting with three nodes, using the textual UI menu in your VM you can add a node, taint a node, remove a node, drain a node, and uncordon a node.
If you deployed your Cortex XSOAR environment as a standalone (single node), you cannot add nodes to it and switch to a cluster.
If you remove one of the control planes (the original three nodes in a cluster), you cannot perform actions such as upgrade or scaling up. You need to add a new node to replace the control plane and assign it the same IP address as the control plane that was removed.
Add a node
Add a node to a cluster to increase its capacity, improve performance, or enhance redundancy for better load distribution.
From the textual UI menu in your VM, select Cluster Administration.
Reestablish trust between all nodes in the cluster, including the new node. For more information, see Task 5. Establish trust between all nodes in a cluster.
Select Add Node.
Enter the IP Address and click Add.
Taint a node
Tainting a node marks the node as out of service for internal K8s functions. Taint a node to stop applications from running on it.
From the textual UI menu in your VM, select Cluster Administration.
Select the IP address of the node you want to taint.
Select Taint.
In the list of nodes in the Cluster Administration menu, the node IP will display as Ready,SchedulingDisabled.
Remove a node
Remove a node from a cluster to reduce resources, perform maintenance, or decommission the node, ensuring the cluster operates efficiently without unnecessary or malfunctioning components.
From the textual UI menu in your VM, select Cluster Administration.
Drain the node.
Select the IP address of the node you want to drain.
Select Drain.
In the list of nodes in the Cluster Administration menu, the node IP will display as Ready,SchedulingDisabled.
Remove the node.
Select the IP address of the node you want to remove.
Select Remove.
In the list of nodes in the Cluster Administration menu, the node IP will display as Ready.
Drain a node
Draining a node pauses the node activity in the cluster and marks it as unschedulable. Draining a node safely removes workloads from it, ensuring that running applications are gracefully terminated or moved to other nodes without disrupting service availability before you perform maintenance on the node.
From the textual UI menu in your VM, select Cluster Administration.
Select the IP address of the node you want to drain.
Select Drain.
In the list of nodes in the Cluster Administration menu, the node IP will display as Ready,SchedulingDisabled.
Uncordon a node
Uncordon a node in a cluster to make it available again for scheduling new workloads, for example after maintenance or troubleshooting is complete.
From the textual UI menu in your VM, select Cluster Administration.
Select the IP address of the node you want to uncordon
Select Uncordon.
In the list of nodes in the Cluster Administration menu, the node IP will display as Ready.