Add the Cortex XSOAR license - Administrator Guide - 8.5 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR On-prem Documentation

Cortex XSOAR
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Last date published
Administrator Guide

Download the Cortex XSOAR license from Cortex Gateway. The license determines which components users can use and how many users can access the tenant.

Cortex XSOAR requires a yearly license per user. Multi-year licenses are available.

After purchasing a license, the activation card for the license is visible in Cortex Gateway. When you install Cortex XSOAR from Cortex Gateway download both the image file and the license. After installing Cortex XSOAR, you must upload the license to Cortex XSOAR. Until you upload a valid license, you will be unable to use Cortex XSOAR.

In the License page (Settings & InfoCortex XSOAR License) you can see the following:

  • License type

  • Expiration date

  • Number of licensed users

  • Number of active users

  1. Locate the license file you downloaded from the Cortex Gateway.

    If you selected Dev/Prod, you should have two license files, one for each environment. Each should be uploaded separately to the corresponding environment.

  2. Upload the license to Cortex XSOAR.

    1. Go to Settings & InfoCortex XSOAR License.

    2. In the Upload License section, either drag and drop your license file or browse your files to select the license file. The license file is in JSON format.


If you upload a new license while your current license is still valid, the new license will override your existing license for the same product. Other products' licenses will not be affected.